The power of brand image – What do they want exactly !



What do you think about those people who hold a can of Red Bull in their hands and walk around the streets? Do they really want to drink it because they are exhausted from exercise or perhaps they simply want to express their personality? Generally speaking, we only consume energy drinks to boost our stamina or to simply keep us awake. However, the strong image of Red Bull’s energy drink also reveals about our characters’

Red bull’s energy drink was inspired from an energy drink from Thailand, and its original name called Krating Daeng with two charging bull’s logo on a glass bottle. A Two charging bull’s logo means boosting up your stamina, strength and the beverage is intended to make you become strong like a fighting bull.

In the past, Red Bull’s energy drink was focusing only on those consumer that used a lot of physical work to do their job like; Farmer, construction worker, truck driver, fisher man etc. In 1987, Krating Daeng’s energy Drink Company has partnered with an Austrian entrepreneur to co-produce its drink formula.

Originally, Red Bull’s Company aimed to establish itself as an energy drink for sporty and outdoor active consumers. Red bull representatives are mostly extreme sport figures, outdoor sport celebrities with its main source of  sponsorship being many international sporting events.  The Company has been focusing on these sporting events and activities in order to establish itself as an energy drink for sporty consumers.

For those consumers who watch or participate in extreme outdoor sporting events it is easy to recognize a remarkable Red Bull’s company logo, because its brand logo appears in almost every international extreme sporting event.  Red Bull’s company has been doing intensive and active marketing strategies over the past years. This is perhaps one of the reason why consumers associate the two charging bull logo with Red Bull and  instantly recognize it.

Red bull’s company has attached itself with exciting and energetic activities for such a long time. It has become a symbol of exciting and energetic activities itself. These might be the reasons why Red Bull Company has such a huge impact on consumer minds when it comes to energy drink product.

Red Bull’s energy drink is simply a beverage that is highly caffeinated (Inquisitr, 2015) it doesn’t even in the top 8 of high caffeine contain drinks that available in the market (The daily 8, 2015). What is it about Red Bull’s energy drink that persuades people to drink it!  Perhaps, because of Red Bull’s slogan “Red Bull gives you wings”?  I am not sure that only the slogan could have such a huge impact on consumer’s mind, but because it has attached itself with exciting and energetic activities in extreme sports for such a long time till the brand logo of Red Bull’s company itself become the symbol of excitement!

My questions to you are these; does the brand image have a significant impact in consumers mind? For Red Bull’s energy drink, is it even possible that consumers buy the product just to reveal their personality and not necessary that they would like to drink it!


Inquisitr, 2008, ‘The phase’ ,Red Bull Settlement: Beverage doesnt give you wings after all, retrieved 23 August 2015,<>.

The daily eight, 2015, ‘Redline Energy drinks’ ,Top 8 Most Powerful Energy Drinks, retrieved 25 August 2015,<>.

Logodesignlove, 2015, ‘The following is excerpted’ ,The origins of Red Bull, retrieved 25 August 2015,<>.

Krating Deang bottle 2013 retrieved 30 Auguest 2015, <;

19 thoughts on “The power of brand image – What do they want exactly !

  1. Interesting blog – thanks!

    I doubt that there are many people who choose a particular drink because of the image it portrays of them…particularly when it comes to soft drink or energy drink. Perhaps if they are choosing between energy drinks they may align themselves with a particular brand over another for reasons that could include taste, price, active ingredients, branding and self-image.


  2. Interesting Topic

    In regards to the first question, does the brand image have a significant impact in consumer mind?

    A brand may be embodied by a name or logo, however, it is more about “the creation of how the brand effects and implies the image” and its communication to all those who are associated to the brand, and consequently, the products relating to the brand are sold through these associations.

    Consumers’ decisions are influenced by offerings, perception, and value for money, and therefore, the brand image of a brand is determined by these same factors, and this implies that the consumer association with the brand is the key element for building the equity of the brand. Consumers’ purchase decisions are also influenced by the way a service or product is promoted, the brand image and its association with the consumer, which may increase his intent to purchase the service or product, and this means that the brand image has a positive impact on consumers’ perception.

    In the case of online purchasing, trust needs to be developed between consumers, the business and its website. Therefore, great emphases are placed on the website ability to correctly perform required functions to develop the online trust.

    Many studies have shown that consumers rely greatly on the intangible aspects of a product or service, such as brand image, as it helps explain consumers’ association with a brand, increases online trust and reduces the consumers’ security concerns.

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    Liked by 3 people

  3. I don’t think people buy Red Bull is because of the appeal of the brand. It is because people want better performance – driven by purpose. Better performance does not limit to sport performance, but also works at exam periods and working overtime. Even the slogan that “gives you wings” is very popular, this may only trigger the initial try out in the customers – which I think they did a good job in this by giving free drinks at university campus during orientation week (It happened when I did my undergraduate degree in other university). My recent reading on energy drinks has concerned me because they found that energy drinks would cause tooth decay and possibly heart problem. I think consumers need to gain more knowledge on energy drinks. It cannot be offered as everyday drinks like juice and soft drinks.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Quite Intriguing Blog
    Without a doubt brand picture assumes noteworthy part in the shopper’s psyche yet then again item itself and its quality additionally matters. If there should arise an occurrence of energy booster beverage, I question that individuals pick a specific beverage as a result of the picture it depicts of them. Maybe on the off chance that they are picking between energy drinks they may adjust themselves to a specific brand over another for reasons that could incorporate taste, value, dynamic fixings, marking and mental self-view.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. With as much caffeine as a cup of coffee, a can of Red Bull is all about energy. The brand’s promise is that it will increase performance, concentration, reaction speed, vigilance, and even well-being.

    The launch of Red Bull has been the most successful beverage launch of the last decade. It´s success is due to partnering a quality product with well-thought out original communication strategy. Which resulted in establish Red Bull, not as fashion phenomenon, but as premium brand with continues growth. As a regular consumer of Red Bull, I believe its a drink which vitalises your body and mind. Red Bull consumers have drive, are active and dynamic. They want to be physically and mentally fit and wide awake.

    Apart from this, Red Bull’s physical/rational claims are indeed true. Multiple studies have shown that drinking Red Bull provides the desirable effects of increased alertness, improved memory, and enhanced mood (Alford et al., 2001; Malinauskas et al., 2007; Seidl et al., 2000). But it is their ingenious marketing and the tremendous success that Red Bull has achieved in forging emotional ties with its customers that makes Red Bull stand out from the crowd.

    Hope my research contributes in building your reflecive essay!! All the best!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Very interesting blog, the number of companies entring the energy drink business is increasing everyday. Currently Red Bull has over 100 major competitors including Rockstar, Monster Beverage Co., Burn, Gatorade, Coca-Cola Co. However, Red Bull with its strong image and reputation has managed to retain a dominating marketshare.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Awesome blog.
    The power of a brand image is more than just a logo but an experience so I do not believe that consumers can be lured into purchasing a product because of its logo. However, an experience either personal or from friends or advertisement can influence consumers into purchasing a certain product depending on their interest. If a brand is recognised and reputable then it can have huge impacts on the consumers mind leading them to purchase the specific product.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Topic is definetly interesting ansd also original.No matter it increases your performance but energy drinks has sideffects too like tooth and gums problem nerves problem and also heart problems.Its is best for the consumers to have full knowledge about the energy drink before consumption.Mnay people choose energy drink just for images and brand .Its just that its into people’s mind that enegry drinks give you extra pair of wings.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Thanks for this post!
    Well I think people do buy red bull just too portray a “cool” image. Red bull is suppose to be an energy drink which is supposed to be consumed after playing or similar activity but i always see people ordering red bull at bars and just drinking it like a cola drink.
    People also drink it due to the kick that is offered by it when it is taken with soda.
    People refuse to understand that consuming red bull like this can have really adverse effects which are “not so cool”.


  10. nice blog. the basic idea of drinking any can of energy drink is to get energy. but still why i choose redbull over every other energy drink? the answer is more psychological for me as it is in my mind that redbull is better from every other drink(dont know where it came from). i would say drinking redbull has became more of a style statement as people has been influenced by its advertisement and the sports events it sponsors. if people drink redbull just for getting energy then why not its substitute?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, you rises a good point here ! why not substitute products, if what we need is caffeine ? For Energy drinks, most brands have similar taste, and most of them are carbonated drink ( fizzy ), some brands are cheaper compare by its volume of the drink. Do we really choose energy drink that only the brand that suite our character ?

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Absorbing blog!
    Personally, when seeing someone drinking or holding Red Bull’s energy drink, I worry about that man or woman’s health more than what their characters can really be exposed. It is not hard to find the highlighted newspaper articles about the disturbing dangers of energy drinks or energy drink addiction. Still, the volumes for this beverage continue experiencing an increase yearly. Can this be explained by the considerable influence of brand image on consumer mind?
    The power of Red Bull’s red and gold logo is developing more considerably than we can be aware of. Two Boston College professors, who published a new study in the Journal of Consumer Psychology, took a view that ‘customers exposed to the brand displayed characteristics associated with it’ (Aquino 2011, para. 1). The study engaged volunteers in a video game imitating a car racing with identical cars represented Guinness, Tropicana, Coca Cola and Red Bull. As a result, the player controlling the Red Bull car behaved as characteristics ascribed to the brand such as speed, power, aggressiveness and risk-taking. This transpired in the absence of the consumers’ awareness.
    We perhaps want none of the effect of brand on our behavior or mind, but the truth is that the brand image can reveal our characters as well as affect our behavior than we can recognize.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Thanks for a great blog.
    I believe the brand image does have a significant impact in consumers mind and it is possible that consumers buy the product to reveal their personality. The key strategies in Red Bull’s success was marketing aimed at extreme sports and high risk adventures. By doing this the brand is creating a culture and image of the drink and the people who drink it. Its slogan “Red Bull gives you wings” attaches the brand to people who need energy or want energy. Red Bull also positioned itself on the market to the younger generation, and aimed at the party and working environment. The party demographic was targeted by free giveaways and promotions. And now in nightclubs a vodka and red bull, is as a common phrase as a rum and coke.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Intersting blog!!
    All the products have will have their own significant impact on the minds of the people. The brand also plays a crucial role for helping the people in choosing the product.

    Red bull attracts customers with the symbol and the most popular slogan that it has. People buy red bull not only for the brand it is or just for the slogan, they believe it will give them energy after long tired day that they will have had. They take it as a booster for their body which allow them to continue their work.

    People not buy red bull to reveal once own personality there are many other products out in the market that will help to reveal once personality. It is just once own mind set about a product.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. great bog! I don’t believe that if a consumer buys a consumable product like Red Bull and don’t like the taste of it .. that they would still buy it again just to link their personality with that of the Brands. I know a lot of people who are aware of Red Bull, but don’t purchase it because they simply don’t like the taste of it or any energy drink for that matter of fact. I do agree with Amruth that the brand plays a key role in influencing consumers to chose it over other like products, Here I feel that Red Bull has done a much better job in promotions and advertising compared to its competitors and hence is the first name that comes to mind when we say ‘energy drink’.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Very interesting blog
    A brand identity can be cultivated by how it makes people feel about themselves. If owning a particular product by a specific brand makes people feel good about themselves, they are more likely to think highly of that product, how it makes them feel about themselves, and how others might perceive them. Buying a luxury car, a new pair of designer shoes, or the latest iPhone, for example, can make people feel better about themselves despite a wide range of alternative goods they could have bought, even for less money, while getting the same essential use.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Interesting blog.
    The Red Bull has a perfectly market positioning and product quality, it is why this brand is so popular in the world, rather than the personality. btw it is just my opinion, there are some reason for buying a Red bull. the most important one is unique product, you can not find the other one which has s similar taste with Red Bull, it is biggest selling-point that people like Red Bull taste.
    the advertisement in Bull Red also spent on huge fund to be a sponsor for top sport matches. people will watch the huge logo in many matches and establish their business empire by the huge investment. The Red Bull become a priority selection when people feel tired or after exercise, because the Red Bull is effective to boost your energy indeed.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. I could clearly understand the intent of the blog, where the writer talks about the brand image that RED Bull has created for it self to be the most recognizable and profitable energy drink. Certainly, energy drink doesn’t sell for their taste but for the image they portray. RED BULL indisputably has captured consumers mind and engaged them in sportsmanship with viral videos that evoke an adrenaline rush. The blog confirms to the idea of marketing strategy, where first they look for target consumers and know what appeals them. Then comes the stage of involving the consumers with the product. That’s where you grab their attention and create a long-term loyalty. This has been the success story of Red Bull, just as same as captured in the blog. Conclusively, I believe in the same core theory for other Brand’s image building in various industries.

    Liked by 2 people

  18. My questions to you are these; does the brand image have a significant impact in consumers mind?
    Yes, definitely, I think this is part of human behaviour. I am not the fun of Red Bull, but i still buy it some times, because it give headache after next day, but it does have effect for me to feel unsleepy to do assignment or revision.


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