“Cosmetic branding”

By Joe Sebastian & Deepak Sabu(Group 177)

Cosmetic industry is one of the most growing industries in the world, and the main reason for the sudden expansion of this industry is due to the branding techniques which they use to promote it to the public. An interesting result found out that men of all ages unlike women men are induced by logical appeals were as women are induced by emotional approach in advertising.  Back in the old days these cosmetic branding was only focused with women but now things have changed a large percentage of men use cosmetics.


Grossing over 1.8 billion in 2008(keynote publication, 2009). The rapid expansion of the this industry can be largely attributed to the utilization of advertising to persuade the consumer to purchase products, as over a third of cosmetic sales revenue is spent on advertising (Sinclair, 1989, p.18).We have seen that the industry growing in recent years and the technique used to sell these have changed. Advertising executive Jerry Goodis claims that “advertising doesn’t mirror how people are acting but how they are dreaming.. Beliefs, values, and ideologies” (Cortese, 2004, p.13). The industry is growing in the recent years the advertisement have a diverse kind of effect and also fact that it has now turned to be morally questionable. The modern cosmetic advertisements have been classified into seven categories in the research work of Helen oakley. Apparition advertising, celebrity endorsement, socially responsible advertising, unique selling points, scientific evidence, fear and advert composition, but these are not the only categories in the in-fact these advertisements can be interchanged between each other as some of the advertisement types have the same characteristics of the other for example the celebrity endorsement is also in a way apparition advertisement technique or can be used simultaneously with the other.


The term cosmetics has its difference when it comes to male and female, for females cosmetics is something that gives a additional appeal like mascara, lipstick etc they do not include hair products for products that are used for grooming the body. But when it comes to males cosmetics will can be deodorants, body lotion and hair products.

The advertisement works successfully when it can convince the audience that the product they advertised can enhance the appearance of the customers , and these advertisers use may technique to persuade the customers in buying the product which includes angle dusting and many other techniques as we have mentioned in the early paragraphs

Advertises try to take advantages of our insecurities for examples some cosmetic companies clams that their product can reduce wrinkle and give youthfulness to old women , women with an insecurity can easily fall for that advertisement.


  1. http://www.helenoakley.co.uk/thesis/thesis.pdf
  2. https://flawlessgl.wordpress.com/category/cosmetic-advertisements/

9 thoughts on ““Cosmetic branding”

  1. I like the fact of mentioning the advertising tactics of certain companies in regards to physical appearances. It has everything to do in selling cosmetic products. This is the only factor that is driving the consumers market to respond quickly over these products. Today, companies who are producing cosmetics products invest lot of capital in surveys and human science to understand the behavior and emotional quotient of their customers. These data are produced by big human resource development organisation and then they are utilized in capturing customers who have insecurity about their body. Its a cheap trick but very successful. And this industry is moving on to producing organic products under the label name Go Green. Just another marketing gimmick but we can see the dark reality it imposes on the users. Thank you for sharing this blog.

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  2. Your blog expresses what is happening in the present market scenario. the marketers are not only using advertisements as a way to sell there products, various other techniques like setting up stalls at regularly visited markets, door-to-door selling and introducing a range of offers to attract consumers are applied. however advertising remains the main eye catcher. Celebrity endorsements have also become a widespread method to advertise. For example, in India cricketers and film stars (male) have been endorsing male creams and deodorants which definitely has lead to an increased sale. Also, increase in the standard of living has changed the perspectives of customers, everyone now wishes to appear well and thus the cosmetic business is booming.

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  3. Nice blog!
    Cosmetic branding was always a popular area where as women was concerned; but now in this era of having metro-sexual images of men, even they don’t stand behind. Men are approached by providing them with different products like hair gels or face creams which are customized for the male skin type. Looking good and presentable are much needed nowadays so it is a good idea to target the “male” gender as well.
    Products typically designed for males are gaining popularity because the advertisers target specific points such as what their skin goes through after playing some sport, perspiration etc.By hitting such points, marketers are successfully selling their products to both males and females.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Promotion is how the business tells customers that products are available and persuades them to buy. Promotion is either above-the-line or below-the-line. Above-the-line promotion is directly paid for, for example TV or newspaper advertising. Below-the-line is where the business uses other promotional methods to get the product message across. The cosmetic industry is by all means one of the most manipulating industries in the market. The consumer is looking for more holistic and healing benefits from her skin care products. People are no longer content with just the appearance benefits offered by traditional brands. The cosmetic giants still hold a dominant position in this industry and they will most likely continue to. But they have realized the need to acquire new brands and to keep their affiliation in the background.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. True fact
    The advertising surrounds us to the point where we as consumers begin to lose the distinction between the real view of beauty and the idealized image we have created for ourselves.
    Some of the psychological emotions that they focus on are positive feelings of confidence and pleasure, increase of self-esteem, social acceptance, and joy and happiness.
    The obsession that exists in youth and beauty sends thousands of people to stores searching for a quick fix or remedy.
    There is something for everyone, no matter the age, gender, or complexion.
    Both men and women who flock to stores, spas, and clinics seeking beauty enhancements are often motivated by a society that places a high value on being attractive. Being good-looking offers tremendous social advantages. Attractive people are judged to be smarter, loved better, more likely to marry, and earn more money.
    In my view, people should not be carried away with the advertisements. They should judge the product before they buy.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. thanks for your interesting blog,the blog topic is very related to all female daily life which can relate to girl or women so much. The top cosmetic brands make beauty products like mascara, lipstick, lotion, perfume and nail polish ranging from the most expensive, exclusive cosmetic brands to the best affordable cosmetic brands. Some brands are better than others but these best makeup brands stand above and beyond the rest while making you look like a million bucks without spending that much.
    Makeup lovers everywhere are voting for their top favorite cosmetics brands right here. Like all things, sometimes just because something is more expensive does not mean that the quality is better, and some of the best cosmetics brands are not the most expensive makeup brands. This goes for cosmetics, but is also true that sometimes paying less is not worth getting an inferior product. Because of all of this, it’s often a good idea to perform some trial and error with the products to decide which you think is the greatest cosmetic brand. Some lines may not work for you, even if they are the most popular.


    Liked by 1 person

  7. Interesting!
    Cosmetic branding was always a popular area especially among women .but now it has changed. nowadays men are also much more concern about their beauty as much as women do. by providing different products like hair gels or face creams which are customized for the male skin type will lead to become more popular among men. nowadays every one is more concern about their beauty and looks so i believe it is a good idea to target the “male” gender as well.
    Products that especially designed for males are gaining popularity because marketers target specific points such as what their skin goes through after office work or after doing sports and so on . by targeting those things marketers can easily successful in their products and among competitors.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I like the points you have mentioned on how cosmetic industry has grown with the help of advertising. I would also like some of my points on the same matter.

    1) What popular cosmetics do is they own more than ten of different brands with each of the brand targeting a different consumers on the basis of their budget, demographics, gender as well as their age. This helps them in reaching vast varieties of consumers.

    2)What they also do is use the strategy of selling their products in combination like make up ads for eye liner where the model is shown not just using the brand’s eye liner but mascara or eye makeup remover as well to do link selling.

    3) Also use of the keywords and phrases in cosmetic advertisements such as long lasting, new, better or even better etc. These keywords attracts consumers who are seeking same features, which may not be clearly visible with just a picture.

    Thank You

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