Fool of one’s own Brain?

Have you ever been overwhelmed by seeing a video or by reading? For most people the answers would be YES!! You will be able to recollect it so easily even after a long time. This happens when your emotional senses are activated.

What is Emotion???  It is a strong feeling deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others. It is an instinctive feeling which is not based on the factual or logical reasoning. There are eight basic, universal emotions – joy, surprise, anticipation, acceptance, fear, anger, sadness, and disgust. Successful appeals to these basic emotions consolidate stories and the desired calls to action in the lasting memories of audiences.

The fact that the emotion works outside the factual and logical reasoning is an added advantage to the companies, as it makes the customers to be loyal to their brand. Consumers buy because of what they’re feeling — not necessarily what they’re thinking.
Emotion in Consumer Decision-Making

Most people believe that the choices they make result from a rational analysis of available alternatives. Encountering an abundance of options and information, instinctual and emotion-based perspectives truly assist persons to determine their loyalties as well as purchase choices. In other words, when we are confronted with a decision, emotions from previous experiences affix values to the choices we are contemplating. We were unlikely to reach a decision without a subjective point of view based on our experiences.

In the realm of consumer product marketing, there is an established and well-documented relationship between the emotional impact of a brand’s messaging and demand for products. Thus, most marketers avail themselves of this relationship to design emotional ads which can exert influence on customers’ perception and sensation. The theory of perceptual fluency in customer behaviour reveals that customers may pay the most attention to the content of a message. However, an advertising research demonstrates that the emotional response to an ad achieves far greater impact on a consumer’s reported intention to purchase a product than does the ad’s content.


Have you ever purchased a product just because your most-liked actress is a user of that commodity? Or would you choose a pair of sneakers on the grounds that it can make you become a fashionista? In today’s the complex marketing landscape, one such pre-placement decision which has someone endorse the product, is still of benefit to brands. The ability to build brand equity is a valuable asset. Besides, celebrity endorsement can enlarge consumers’ remembrance of the ads, connect the product to the celebrities’ skills, and help advertising stand out the surrounding clutter.

Let’s look at an example of a famous celebrity endorsement by Justin Timberlake.

In the three-minute spot, Timberlake’s face is literally converted to the shape of a lime. He plays the part of Rick “Sour” Vane, who once reigned as the perfect complement to tequila by curing ‘pucker face.’

Regular People

A regular person acting in the commercial is a trend which is catching up. Studies have proved that when a regular people act in a commercial, it’s easy for the audience to relate to. It helps the audience to put themselves in the shoes of the person in the commercial. Emotional senses are stimulated more in an advertisement when comparing to celebrity acting in the same advertisement.

The above commercial is for a security camera brands known as Vizer Camera which is based in Thailand. This commercial employee regular people and the emotional effect it has on the audience are astounding.

By nature, human beings are emotional creatures. Businesses use a variety of techniques to appeal to consumer emotions. Advertisers take the time to carefully choose every detail, including the tone, lighting, colour scheme and mood the advertisement sets.

Hope you have all seen the Budweiser ad at start of the blog. Budweiser is a beer brand. All though the ad never mentions about the beer, the commercial has emotional appeal that makes it hard to forget the brand. The main idea is to engage the audience in emotional appeal that enables the brain to process more information than a rational commercial. Pringle and Field attribute this split to our brain’s ability to process emotional input without cognitive processing, as well as our brain’s more powerful recording of emotional stimuli.

According to Institute of Practitioners in advertising (IPA), conducted a study to analyse the profitability boost of campaigns which relied primarily on emotional appeal vs. those which used rational persuasion and information. IPA compared about 1400 case studies of successful advertisement over past three decades. The results shows that Campaigns with purely emotional content performed about twice as well (31% vs. 16%) with only rational content, and those that were purely emotional did a little better (31% vs 26%) those that mixed emotional and rational content.

Marketing isn’t rocket science, but it is neuroscience. We feel first and think second. Any decision is made up of thousands of micro-decisions and a huge number of these will be sub-conscious. Therefore, longer-term campaigns that use concise and emotive messaging that appeals to our subconscious mind will be most effective. Adding an emotional context to your marketing will not just make your campaigns more touchy-feely, but make them more engaging and effective. Emotion-based ads may be more difficult to create, but the stats say it’s worth the effort.

You just can’t say it. You have to get people to say it to each other.

– James Farley, CMO Ford

It is not what advertising does with the consumer; it is what the consumer does after watching the advertisement.


Ghanadan, H 2015, Beyond Speeds and Feeds: The Impact of Emotion in Product and Brand Marketing, The Linus Group, retrieved on 01 September 2015, <;

Neil Patel and Ritika Puri n.d, The complete guide to understand customer psychology chapter-2, Quicksprout, retrieved 30 August 2015, <;

Schwab, D 2015, Keeping Up With the Evolving World of Celebrity Endorsement, Forbes, retrieved on 08 September 2015, <>.

Roger Dooley, Emotional Ad Works Best, Neuromarketing, retrieved on  01 September 2015, <;

13 thoughts on “Fool of one’s own Brain?

  1. Totally agree with what you have said, in fact, I agree to the point where it upsets me. Advertising these days almost entirely try and hit the emotional state of its audience.
    Gone are the days that you would actually know what you are buying…

    In my opinion the perfect ad would do both. Explain the product/service and play on the emotional side.
    A good example of this is how Google explained how their technology can help everyday people save lives…

    Keep up the good work.


  2. Well said, it is only our emotions that make us buy stuff we don’t really need. Human beings always aspire for more comfort and luxury than they need because of the way it makes them feel .. This is why it is essential that marketing people connect their marketing strategies to the needs and wants of the their target group of customers.

    This would mean giving people something they even if not through the product directly but just by connecting the product with something that is of value to them. This connection indirectly makes consumers feel associated with the product itself.


  3. Hello, good post!
    Word-of-Mouth Marketing!
    With the popular with the social sofware, it has become a powerful adversting method. It boosting the development of the product quickly and stably, but in some time it will out of control which damge to the company image or profit.
    And there is no doubt that this menthod is powerful and efficient. The low cost and efficient are the main factors why it is useful.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Nice attractive heading and blog as well !!

    Advertisements are all around us, and they vary greatly in their attempts to attract consumers. Some ads highlight the product’s features, while other ads’ content seems to be completely unrelated to the product they’re trying to sell. It’s the latter type of ads that shoppers need to be most wary of, according to a new study.
    There are generally two different types of advertisements. The first type of ad, called “logical persuasion,” or LP, presents facts about the product, such as, “This car gets 42 miles to the gallon.”

    The second type of ad is referred to as “nonrational influence” (NI) because it circumvents consumers’ conscious awareness by depicting a fun, vague or sexy scene that seems to have nothing to do with the product.

    The ads contain either LP or NI images. LP ads showed a table of facts and figures in a cigarette ad and suggestions about selecting food for dogs on the basis of their activity level in an ad for pet food. The NI advertisements included a liquor ad featuring an image of beading water and a cigarette ad showing a woman leapfrogging over a fire hydrant that is spraying water as a man grins behind her.

    The ads contains either LP or NI images. LP ads showed a table of facts and figures in a cigarette ad and suggestions about selecting food for dogs on the basis of their activity level in an ad for pet food. The NI advertisements included a liquor ad featuring an image of beading water and a cigarette ad showing a woman leapfrogging over a fire hydrant that is spraying water as a man grins behind her.

    All the best guys!!


  5. Different people connect with different things … Advertisement is about having a common theme that can connect everyone in the target group. Hence, the best way to permeate the consumer brain is by giving them some of what they want and some of what others want.

    Love, emotions, passion, care, everything ultimately counts and everything that people perceive to be valuable to them will attract their attention. To answer the question, Are we fool of our own brain … Yes, We are .. We may not need it but the attraction of that object tempts our brain which for some time forgets logic.


  6. You are so right. That we feel first and think second. Most of the product that people gets attracted to its because of the emotional factor in it. They can relate to the advertisement or that particular scenes. I m just wondering that are the advertisers targeting the emotional aspect just to sell the product which does not provide any value to the customers “wants”? At times, we end up buying some product just because of the advertisements we see and then we realise that this product is of no value to us. We end up wasting our money because we get attached to the emotional message and get more engaged .


  7. A very interesting post!

    I really like the the topic title, which exactly describes the consumer’s mind towards advertisement influencing our emotions. It is a very smart effort by advertising companies which is being adopted to lure customers. Apparently, even after knowing the truth about the service and products, we as consumers fall into the trap and that is where the emotional strategy becomes the big player. Emotional marketing is attracting larger masses of the audience with a very simple message.


  8. Distinctive individuals associate with diverse things … Advertisement speaks the truth having a typical subject that can interface everybody in the targeting a specific group. Consequently, the most ideal approach to pervade the buyer mind is by giving them some of what they need and some of what others need.

    Love, feelings, energy, consideration, everything at last checks and everything that individuals see to be profitable to them will draw in their consideration. To answer the inquiry, Are we trick we could call our own mind … Yes, We are .. We may not require it but rather the fascination of that protest entices our brain which for quite a while overlooks logical reasons.


  9. This was a great post, really enjoyed the videos.

    Emotions are a very powerful tool and if advertisers can tap into a consumers emotions it truly can make the difference between whether a consumer purchases a product or not. Some would argue that a rational individual doesn’t fall for advertising that targets emotions, however how many of us are truly rational??

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I agree with two major perspectives showing in this blog. Firstly, the importance of emotional influence has grown in communications of the customers which means the customers will be tend to purchase some products or buy some services due to the emotional effects. For example, in my experience, the emotional advertisement implement build more attractions which lead me to make the purchasing decision easier. Sometimes, the emotional theme has the most attractive points compares with the contents introductions showing in the advertisement.
    Secondly, the celebrity influences build the awareness easier and wider the products reorganizations quickly due to the celebrity promotions, thus some suppliers choose this communications’ method to gain more profits. The celebrity prefer to stimulate the consumption , rather than the covering features of products.


  11. the blog is well described with the videos and the message delivered by the blog is quite interesting. I also liked the topic you selected to blog. The “Celebrity” title you mentioned in your blog is quite interesting, it is one of the common attractiveness used by the people to promote their products through celebrities. But in reality, they don’t even know about the product.


  12. First, about your concept of emotional influence to customers’ buying behavior. I remembered one concept Steve Jobs mentioned, ” customers don/t know what they want.” Apply to this blog, I think it will explain a lot. Apple is successful and one of the reasons is that Apple leads a trend and people do not want to be left behind the popularity. I think it has to do something with emotions.
    second, the celerity effects will caused by people would more easily trust authorities. For me, I’d prefer to buy a product who has celerity rather than commoners.
    Overall, emotional influences are well payed by the media and brands’ advertising. This blog also gives a warning that I should be careful when choose what to buy.


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