Integrated Marketing Communication in Action. (Group 51)

Its basically a process which is designed to assure that the branded product received by a customer are consistent over time or not. It can be compared to compose a musical piece. In a music score, every instrument performs and participates in a process and it comes together a beautiful music which melts the heart of the people. IMC is one and the same thing where advertising is a piano, social media is violin, public relations is a guitar, which comes together and delivers the message to the people (American Marketing Association, 2015).
In Today’s world there is a huge competition in a market due to Globalization. The list is long and it is getting longer. The companies are using strong marketing techniques and media to attain the attention of customers. For instance, recently there is a launch of apple iPhone 6s in which they are showing the connection of the technology with the people. Additionally, the company is also describing the new features like camera upgradation, new 3D technology, touch id 2 potential and new color launched in the new Iphone.

(Source: YouTube)
If we compare the marketing mix with the Advertisement:

  1. Consumers: The usage of the technology is reflected in the ad, that what all new features can make the work easy for the customers as phone has been one important technology from past few years which connects people to world and each other.
  2. Cost: They also promoted the new price plan of apple in which you can buy a new iphone with the same price as of old one.
  3. Convenience: The new convenient technology Siri which can reduce the workload of the consumers and helps them to multi-task while using the phone.
  4. Communication: They communicated each and every aspect of the new Iphone with their advertisement which can convince the customer to buy the new phone.
    Social media like facebook, twitter, instagram are the common sites which are used to spread the word and do promotions.


American Marketing Association, 2015, What is Integrated marketing communication, West Virgina University, <;

6 thoughts on “Integrated Marketing Communication in Action. (Group 51)

  1. Thank you for your interesting blog. we can know that Advertising is a potent vehicle which includes imagination, creativity, concepts, ideas and innovation to promote new products and remind about changes in the old one. Also,Advertising can be said both powerful and magical. It sells us dreams and has become fabric by selling life style. We can find that people of the society have tremendous impact of advertisements. In today’s fast moving media driven world it plays a vital role in customers’ mind and sentiments. Advertisements reach to them through the route of emotion which is a powerful one in advertising. So I think that Advertisers primary means to consumers to buy their products or services. However,sales promotion is divided into trade and consumer promotions. Trade promotions target resellers of a product. Examples of trade promotions include quantity discounts and gifts and other incentives to top sellers. Consumer promotions target the end users of a product or service. They are frequently employed seasonally, around Christmas for instance, and are relatively inexpensive.A final difference between advertising and sales promotion is that advertising is a long-term strategy, while sales promotion has a short-term focus.


    • Your welcome fang. Yes advertisement sets an image in the mind of the consumers which helps them to think about the good or the service on a daily basis. For instance, in our daily life we see the advertisement on the streets, train stations, on the back side of the cabs, trams, etc. which creates an image in the mind of consumers. It is one of the effective communication medium which help each and every sector of business to deliver its message and connecting themselves to the people.


  2. Consistency is a large part of communication. Applied to Skinners behavioural theory, if something is the same and consistent we will believe in it and continue with the same reaction. IMC breaks down the elements of the product which relate to the consumer in some way.


    • I agreewith you..being consistent in a market is a huge action every company needs to take while doing business in global market. The IMC plays very important role in this process which helps the participants to follow the process in an effective manner.


  3. IMC is a very important topic in Marketing Management and this blog sheds light on the same. I was reading and doing my research for interesting campaigns which showcase very innovation and incredible market integration.
    The integrated marketing campaign from O2 is clever it not only intrigues users due to its kooky nature and offers them something extra in the form of priority.
    The key objectives of the campaign were to change consumer perception of O2 by landing a new positioning and drive uptake of new products and services.

    The launch of the advertisement video clocked up over 3 million views on Youtube; it was the most shared advert in the UK, and fourth most shared in the world that month. It was remixed 19 times and 38 parody videos were uploaded. The mission was to open up the possibility of technology to everyone, and to get everyone more active and involved. With this in mind, the campaign offered plenty of ways to do so (both on and offline). In order to get the people of Great Britain to be more adventurous we tried more than one approach. The brand created a website ( that let you throw virtual Frisbees from your smartphone to your PC for our cat to catch. The dual screen technology served a dual purpose; to spread our message, and give everyone a fun way to try cutting-edge technology first-hand. On top of all of this they created a “Be more dog social kennel hub”, tracked down people on the internet who were being too “cat” and brainstormed ideas for how we could help them to become more “dog”.

    O2 attacked all possible online marketing channels to get as much reach as they could. right from vine to snapchat and obviously the basic Facebook, YouTube and twitter.

    The campaign inspired over 50,000 online conversations, and had over 1 million visits to its campaign pages online including Sentiment of conversation reached a record positive peak of +36% (average sentiment for O2 is usually +20%). Most importantly, we have proof that the campaign worked against the key objective of changing consumer perception of O2.

    The advert:


    • hello asin! thanks for your feedback, i just checked O2 advertisement, i saw it for the first time. I found it very strategical and different from other advertisements.They created the ad in such a good way that many people of UK and other countries are giving so much attention to the product. Additionally, the other strategies of promoting the product online and offline is quite generous.

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