By Omair and Rohit (group 65)

SHE RUNS & Despicable ME – Two Examples of IMC 

Once considered as a novel concept, fully integrated marketing communication campaigns have now become an important part of marketing strategy. In the present day to address the wide variety of consumer segments, messages are echoed across various channels, that it’s hard to imagine a time when most of the advertisements were platform specific.

We would discuss two examples which inspired us the most as best use of integrated marketing.

“Despicable Me” by Universal Pictures


To capture the emotions of target audience “Despicable Me” used conventional channels as well as new approaches such as billboards, TV, radio, Film premier, game application and social media platforms. This integration of classic advertisement and social media networking played consistently an effective role in mass awareness of not only the desired audience but also the rest.

Universal pictures has commenced the first ever mobile controlled, customized, geo-particular Digital marketing campaign in public areas in different European regions. For its promotion the interactive campaign invited audience to control and personalise the on-screen creative through their phones.

In this the consumers can commands the minions through text messages or online instructions. The minions then respond by addressing the name of consumer. In this way the marketers made emotional attachment of consumers with these characters. Moreover, Minion Rush a game available at apple store and google play store, which was launched to engage viewers with the game characters.

SHE RUNS AT NIGHT – Nike campaign

she runs 1

Nike has gained high level of brand exposure through its various digital marketing campaigns via social interaction of consumers.

One of the best examples of NIKE campaigns include SHE RUNS campaign.

As we all now Nike is a leading brand in sports shoe market however Nike has realized this fact that ASICS has edge over it. Although they make women shoes but never promoted it exclusively to women. In order to address this pitfall, Nike launched SHE RUN campaign.

To further associate their campaign Nike researched by communicating with women on social media and found that women run alone at night and had various odd experiences. To make a strong association of their brand with women they used this as a basis to design this campaign.

In this campaign, they engaged passionate female runners and promoted a concept of running community. The different channel employed by Nike were

  • Physical running communities – created for authenticity,
  • digital communities – necessary to match young female social behaviours,
  • mobile interactivity – essential given high usage by runners, and
  • Advertising – placed in female worlds, not running worlds, shattering the male-dominated norms

To further promote this campaign Nike challenged the female community by launching a 13 Km night race. Furthermore, to add authenticity, they appointed a young runner Carly whose Facebook posts lead massive engagement among female runners on social media. Together the offline and online connection of the brand messages is one of the main ingredient of successful IMC.

she runs 2

After 16,000 likes and 14,000 people talking about the run within one month, it was clear the community was on to something powerful

Other activities which were done by Nike maximum participation of consumers was publishing of editorial on night Run, running workshop and hired ambassadors who promoted the campaign at various places like universities, health clubs etc.

This has been one of the successful marketing campaigns of 2012.

From the above two campaign we can say that IMC does not mean conveying one message in all campaigns but  it is a two way communication and tying the brands core image to consumer. experience.

What do you think how universal pictures and Nike has engaged the consumer in their marketing campaigns? Do you remember any brand story which has best utilised Integrated Marketing tool for promotion?


30 thoughts on “

  1. Thanks for the post. I must say Universal Pictures has done a good IMC. I’ve recently just visited their theme parks in Orlando. Right after landing there were TV advertisements playing featuring the “minions” showing not only the movie but also the Minions Mayham ride which is one of the most popular at present. Next on the taxi ride from the airport to the hotel their were numerous billboards on the freeways promoting universal pictures and theme park rides. At the hotel itself there was the standard merchandise with t-shirts etc but also they had those refillable cups with built in chips (so the drink machines would not allow any old cup to be filled) and when the chip was read a picture came up on the touch screen showing the theme of the cup, many of which were minions. Hence every time the cup was refilled the image came up and it was interesting to see how the children would hover around these machines just to see the minion come up.

    Then whilst at the fast food restaurants there were minion meal deals etc.

    I was also interested to see that my 5 year old son knew a lot about minions. He had seen the movies with friends but he’d also played the Minion Rush game on an iPhone courtesy of a school friend and had minion colouring in books given as s birthday present.

    Reflecting back upon this multi channel approach I can only say it was effective for the family segment. It is becoming the normal now so how do marketers stand out from the crowd when the majority are now using IMCs? A good quality product helps but ultimately is it enough? Interactive social media appears to be the new channel of choice.

    Thanks again for the article.

    Liked by 2 people

    • This comment is extremely interesting particularly. You have mentioned and explained about your real time experience.. But I would also like to mention about a key point that you stated that it was effective only in family segment. Minions have been used as a tool by Universal studios. This attracts not just the toddlers but teenage and single adults mostly women. Minions gained extreme popularity and became a key factor for marketing in several other companies like Mc. Donald’s. These tie ups with companies might have fetched alot of business for Universal studios as rights for using Minions have to be purchased.


  2. There more you think about example you have provide the obvious and clever the IMC campaign seem. In you first example I recall receiving a Minions toy for my Child in a McDonalds happy meal this was the catalyst to see the movie several week later.

    For the Nike example, I use the Nike Running Apps – this is a free version of an app that tracks kM run and has the functionality to share runs and other information on social media. It means through the Nike brand there is a platform where users can share their experiences.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Hello Team,

    “Integrated Marketing Strategy” is a phrase that is tossed around in many discussions about marketing and advertising. But what does “integrated marketing” really mean?

    Is it using more than one medium to distribute your marketing message? Or is it using different promotional methods that work in unison? Or is it multiple messages distributed through multiple channels that all relate to each other? The reality is that integrated marketing is all of these…and more!

    With Regards


  4. Universal Pictures and Nike have shown great uses of Integrated Marketing tools. Another great example is Red Bull. They constantly have used Integrated Marketing campaigns, using web, social media, tv, youtube, endorsements, sponsorships, with it all linking back to ‘red bull gives you wings’. And it is either literal ‘wings’ or metaphorically using extreme sports and stunts as examples. Everyone can relate to their brand now and recall their slogan.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Good examples of IMC.

    It is definitely a two-way process these days but that is more of an interactive medium to explore. Many kinds of media are effective in providing feedback and analysis during campaign.

    But I do not agree with the fact that it generates multiple messages through different platforms. The importance of a focus, brand message and communication objectives cannot be undermined such that they need to be aligned in the same direction.

    Therefore, all marketing communication efforts for a single brand, under a certain time period are aimed at delivering a consistent message to the audience.

    thank you for the post and good luck with the essay!


  6. The Mobile controlled Geo- particular marketing campaign in ingenious. In a time where the franchise has used every tool of marketing to advertise, allowing the consumer to have a personalised content tied to the franchise is a great break through. The trailer or any other content released by Universal studios would be shared to a limit by the core fandom. But if the consumer gets a personalised item they are compelled to share it because of its uniqueness.

    Nike’s marketing campaign about shoes that glow at night, is an example of brands integrating social awareness with marketing. The image of a brand for social responsibility helps it to be attractive to a bigger market segment. I personally feel that even if it done to increase sales, we should encourage these marketing designs because of its social impact


  7. The blog caught my attention just as I saw the yellow little creatures fondly known as minions!! I have been a die hard fan of these characters and like me there are a zillion others influenced by the heavy marketing campaigns by universal pictures. Minions have been advertised using various marketing mediums and especially with tie-ups along with a number of brands. The success for their marketing stood in the fact that they have used multiple platforms and not stuck to just the traditional mix. The marketers have made sure these yellow pint sized characters are used in almost every product possible.
    There have been a number of advertisements for companies like tic-tac who have rolled out banana flvaoured refreshing mints in the shape of minions. Just recently I saw a minion cake at woolworth’s, there are minion shaped iphone covers, like the blog mentions there’s also a game made out on these characters.
    This is by far the most amazing marketing campaign as it definitely brings a personalisation factor where the consumers are in some way or the other connected personally with the name of minions.


  8. Nike’s She Runs campaign is an intelligent brand decision, at no stage is Nike telling women to wear Nike shoes but inherently relates the brand with running for women, safety, and empowerment through connectivity, social media, and communities – formed via different IMC – not achieved before the campaign. Interestingly they noted that 44% of women in their 13km run wore Nike runners, which means they questioned each runner and used the run as a data collection exercise as well.
    The examples you have provided are no doubt very costly to the company and involve big marketing budgets, I am interested in whether smaller companies can find way to integrate their marketing with such impressive results.
    By the way – minions are EVERYWHERE. Very impressive merchandising and marketing reach by Universal.


  9. For me, the campaigns you describe stand out not only for their emotional connections, but also due to the ability to measure channel effectiveness.

    Both campaigns motivate their target audience to share personal information, enabling the development of a lasting relationship between the consumer and the firm. This will enable them to measure the success of the various channels in generating leads, and then ultimately which channels have the most successful conversion ratios.

    When a company is booming, it might not care whether $10M spent on sponsoring a football star generated more sales than the equivalent amount spent playing their new TV commercial during the AFL grand final.

    But for most companies, they will want to understand where to spend their scarce marketing budgets. This Journal of Advertising Research article describes how the need for a better measurement of campaign effectiveness is actually shaping the IMCs of firms. It argues that with the right design, digital channels provide a much greater capability to measure effectiveness.

    Click to access JAR_Social_Media_Multi_Platform_Effectiveness.pdf

    Liked by 1 person

  10. The Minion Rush has truly swept the world. The company has chosen the most effective channels of marketing and have been enormously successful in implementing them. Their channels of marketing include television, media, games etc. It has now featuring in the Happy Meal toy range of McDonalds. The image that the Minion brand has been able to create has given it an edge over others competitors in the same league.

    Nike is known to stand up for social issues. It works like a wonderful marketing strategy as it accomplishes various goals through a singular effort. By coming up with a strategy that focuses on empowering women, it has elevated it brand image and has been able to promote and market the product very well.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. In my opinion, both Universal studios and Nike had a clear understanding of who their target audience are, as per your blog Nike specifically targeted the female audience as they knew that there was a demand and their direct competitor ASICS has not fully utilized their potential. Next both these two organizations had also smartly chose their marketing channels, they did not advertise on every possible marketing platform but chose those that have a significant appeal to their target audience, the minions controlled via phone messages was a smart idea that allowed consumers interact with the viral movie.
    As for brand, I remember this brand from Malaysia which used IMC and have successfully attracted consumers. The Brand Coffeacoffee uses platforms like iphoneapp where they have games to enable consumers to collect points and win different prize like coffee discounts, free coffee and etc. At the same time they also enable consumers to use the app to make their own coffee. Other than that the brand also uses twitter and facebook to have secret drinks menu where it was only offered for the day to ensure that consumers constantly check for it. Next they target university students and their brand can be constantly see sponsored on university billboards, brochures and also their website.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. As I would see it, both Universal studios and Nike had an unmistakable comprehension of who their intended interest group are, according to your post Nike particularly focused on the female gathering of people as they realized that there was an interest and their immediate rival ASICS has not completely used their potential. Next both these two associations had additionally astutely picked their promoting stations, they didn’t publicize on every conceivable showcasing stage yet picked those that have a huge speak to their target group, the cronies controlled through telephone messages was a brilliant thought that permitted purchasers communicate with the viral motion picture.

    Concerning similar company using IMC, I would say even Redbull has utilized IMC and have effectively pulled in buyers. The Brand utilizes stages like endorsements, sponsorships, web, social, TV, etc, all efforts lead back to “Red Bull gives you wings.” where they have amusements to empower purchasers to gather focuses. Other than that the brand additionally uses twitter and facebook to have mystery drinks menu where it was offered for the day to guarantee that purchasers always check for it. Next they target college and their image can be continually see supported on college boards, Events and University festivals, they also promote their brand by being a chief sponsor in Formula 1 races. Red Bull does give ya wings — or at least sponsor really cool stunts where you don’t even need them.


  13. The Universal studios and Nike’s She Runs campaign are a classic examples of IMC.
    I just wanted to give some bad practices of IMC and what the brands should be aware of and should avoid. This obviously depends on your target market.

    One of the most common pitfalls for brands in terms of IMC is the use of too many tools for social media. Some brands have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr, Foursquare, Yelp, etc., when their audience only really pays attention to one or two of those channels. What ends up happening here is that although one channel looks nice and engages in meaningful conversation, the others look like a barren wasteland that ignores their audience.

    But even when you have someone concentrating specifically on your social media, they need to not only be aware of the messaging they are trying to convey, but the manner in which they are conveying that message.

    Another thing that sometimes brands forget about is that even though you may not be able to directly alter the messaging for external sources, you still need to be aware of it and try and shape it best you can. This can be done by how you choose to respond to audience communication. If this is done improperly, it’s the same as having poor communication in the first place.

    The point of IMC is to make sure that every piece of marketing is paid attention to. If every piece is in harmony, the overall result is much more powerful and the audience will be able to hear what your brand is trying to say. Each piece, no matter how small, shares the same responsibility in providing a strong brand identity. Each and every drop causes the flood.



  14. The two campaigns are great examlpes of how content marketing has developed into an intrinsic part of successful IMC, in particular the ability to tailor content so that it can engage with consumers at a personal level.
    It is well worth noting that the success of the minions campaign was not prejudicial to the characters being accepted by the consumers, as this promotion was for the second instalment in the Dispicable Me franchise. The minion characters ‘stole the show’ in the first movie and were well recognised as promotional merchandise as a result of the first movie.
    Their being the centrepiece of the campaign immediately gave the advertising connection with consumers and deveoping mechanisms for people to engage personally with the characters was an easier task that intiating a campaign from scratch. It was merely the task of reconnecting with their target audience.
    The Nike campaign, was another example of the powerful manner in which Nike has the ability to connect with their target market and further develop their connection through initiated activity. Nike continues to prove to consumers that they are ‘partners’ in thier fitness lifestyle. The night run concept and the construction of a community based ectivity, engaged their traget market, women joggers, and developed that through the online marketing which encouraged content engagement and marketing. It then built towards a collaborative event which was far greater than simply the engagement of consumers for the purposes selling running shoes. It empowered the target audience and built a connection with the brand far beyond simply running shoes.


  15. I have a love-hate relationships with Minions. I used to love them, but am feeling slightly less enamored with my little yellow friends now…possibly because of all that overexposure via IMC! I also feel somewhat duped by someone choosing meercats to head up their advertising campaigns. What is it with marketing executive picking my favourite icons and using them to advantage?

    Where they are successful, is finding an emotional link to the consumer. Think back to ET (I am truly showing my age now). I watched the film and had to have the toy. The ‘real’ vinyl one, not some cheap copy. There is a lot to be made if you can tap into consumer emotions.

    But back to the Minions. These quirky little fellows in ‘Despicable Me’ were such a hit that they become the cornerstone of promotion for ‘Despicable Me 2’ and then their own movie (not so great by the way). Not only adorning traditional billboards, television commercials and bus ads, these little fellows have made their way into my house on my son’s iPad, into their own range of Tic-Tacs and the shop assistants at the local Big-B have been known to dress up. I think my favourite was perhaps the ‘Despicablimp’ that floated around the US for six months promoting the film.

    Minions have mass appeal beyond the box office. Everyone is in on the game, so everyone wins. Think of Pantone developing ‘minion yellow’ (it’s first new colour in three years) of Amazon using yellow minion boxes for postage. McDonalds didn’t miss a beat (except perhaps with the ‘swearing’ toy) nor did Facebook with its own Minion emoticons. Any yellow food product soon sprouted a minion related theme (think twinkies, tic-tacs, jelly, chips and softdrink…all aimed at children).

    Thinking back to our guest speaker on the use of social media in marketing, I can see a direct correlation with IMC …make it easier, faster, more fun and socially connected.


  16. Great blog. Both Nike and Universal pictures have used integrated marketing communications exceptionally well. With an overall powerful and consistent marketing campaign, the movie was an incredible success, as seen in my previous blog, the sales produced from the movie were MASSIVE!
    The billboards, TV advertisements, co-marketing, movie premier event, Iphone Game and Social Media platforms all played an important part in capturing the target audience.

    In my opinion, the strength of the media used with the adaptation of the ‘Minion’ characters, were fundamental elements to the fans being involved. Generating excitement from the previous movie ‘Despicable Me’, and creating a positive atmosphere towards the brand identity of the animated family film, through all the possible marketing communication streams, meant for a larger audience for the second movie to be released.Through the connection between the ‘Minion’ character and the audience, favourable attitudes were developed and thus, the humour of the ‘Minions’ flowed through to the overall perception of the film.


  17. The little yellow creatures caught my attention.

    Universal pictures have done a really good job of IMC. Apart from their marketing campaign, the feel or the value which the minions gave to the consumer was tremendous. The minions are crazy, energetic and cute little creatures. Universal pictures made the consumers to interact with marketing campaign. This is what what lead to success of the campaign.

    The same stands for Nike – She runs the night. This is more than an advertisement. Nike was successful in making a community to get involved. Many of the consumers bought into it with out knowing that they being marketed. Even still the community feels that they are trying to solve a problem which is affecting them.

    In both cases, the ultimatum was the same, to involve the consumer.

    Coke-Cola is also one the multinational who uses Integrated marketing and communication techniques in most its campaign. One example that i would like to quote is campaign in United Arab Emirates. The South Asian workers were earning 6 dollar a day and for them phone call would 0.91/c per minute. This made really tough for them to connect with family regularly. Coke-Cola came up with a idea, where they can used Coke-Cola bottle caps as currency to make phone calls. One bottle cap gave about 3 minutes of talk time.

    Link to the advertisement:

    Thanks for the blog.


  18. As I would see it, it’s a great blog. Integrated Marketing communication has been used exceptionally well by both Nike and Universal pictures. It should be noted that in the first place itself both Nike and Universal pictures already had a clear understanding about who their target audience are.
    It can be seen that Minion rush have truly swept the world. They have had armful of promotional partners on board helping to launch Universal’s latest installment of its animated franchise. At the center of this whirlwind is McDonald’s Corp. which is doing both an adult and kids promotion (complete with Happy Meals) in its restaurants. That alone is a coup. It’s global. And there’s media. And it’s a two-tiered adult and kid’s campaign.
    Nike had organized a race in Sydney in which 6000 females participated. It was a terrific event and the presence of such a crowd proves that campaign to be a successful one.


  19. Although Integrated Marketing Communications obliges a great deal of effort, it conveys numerous advantages. It can help deals and benefits, while sparing cash, time and anxiety. IMC forms communications around clients and assists them with traveling through the different phases of the purchasing procedure. The capacity to keep a client forever is a powerful competitive advantage. IMC likewise makes messages more predictable and in this manner more dependable. This diminishes hazard in the purchaser’s psyche which, thus, abbreviates the pursuit process and serves to manage the result of brand correlations. Finally, IMC spares cash as it takes out duplication in territories, for example, design and photography since they can be shared and utilized as a part of say, publicizing, displays and deals writing.
    However, IMC when not used effectively can go seriously wrong, for example in 2010 Gap unveiled a new logo that it called “a more contemporary, modern expression” of the brand. The change caused controversy unlike any other rebranding efforts in recent years. In response, Gap quickly changed course and reverted to the original design. While the logo flopped at an epic proportion, the company reinforced consumer loyalty to its age-old blue-box logo. However, consumer loyalty to a logo does not increase sales. For Gap to resurrect its reputation, it will have to dig deeper to better understand why its loyal consumer base does not translate into sales. Check out the link below.


  20. No doubt when the second part of Minions released they did extensive marketing to promote the movie apart from regular advertising channels. I never was intersted in any cartoon movies but these characters pulled me towards them and since then i have minions characters in my car and my room. This is to me a successful marketing strategy.
    the second example is also good. Nike is known everywhere for its shoes and I myself have 8 pairs of Nike.


  21. Thank you for this interesting post. The Minions is a worldwide phenomenon that I experience everyday with my 5 years old. He has never watched the movie but he knows everything about them! There are 4C’s that need to be considered when IMC- and I think the Minions have done well on covering them: Coherence-Consistency-Continuity and Complementarity. One of the features that surely contributed to the Minions’ success is the fact that they speak their own language. They can therefore be used worldwide. This key factor explains why different companies such as Kodak, Mastercard or GlaxoSmithKline have decided to pair with Universal to use these cute little creatures to promote their own brands.


  22. Thank you for the blog
    Universal Pictures has done a good IMC. I have seen a documentary in one of the theme parks of
    Orlando where even from the entrance of the theme park there are televisions and huge banners
    with advertisements of the Minions. Even the cinema theatres and the pop-corn tubs had
    promotions of the minions which viewers carefully treasured and took back home. Even the
    McDonalds happy meals for children have come up with very cute and impressive minion soft toys
    which would make the children persuade their parents to take them for the movie.

    There have been a number of advertisements for companies like tic-tac who have come out banana
    flavoured refreshing mints in the shape of minions. The other day I saw a minion cake at
    woolworth’s, there are minion shaped iphone covers. As mentioned in the blog there is even a game
    for smart phones come out with these adorable creatures.This is by far the most amazing marketing
    campaign as it definitely brings a personalisation factor where the consumers are in some way or the
    other connected personally with the name of minions.

    It is a 2way process. Many forms of media are very effective in providing feedbacks and analysis
    during a lot of campaigns.
    Good read Good Luck


  23. Very interesting information that glued me till the end of blog. I love to watch Despicable ME and even have the app in my mobile. As you mentioned, the expressions that are caught and shown to us are priceless. The other example of yours, Nike is an excellent marketing tool to promote its activities. The social activities that are part of Nike has inspired many people and have become great part of their life. Thanks for the videos also. Apart from the above you mentioned, I can remember Red bull is one which is very aggressive in its promotional activities.


  24. It is a good post that demonstrate the up-to-date IMC strategies that the message delivered to customer can be dynamic and two ways. The marketer create more platforms to the customer to give the comments and personalized the products. And the marketer also create the community to gather the same lifestyle customer to share their experience with the products and same life style and inerests. Nowadays, the marketer cannot only use the push strategy but also pull strategy to make the customer into the brand.


  25. Great blog!
    Both Universal pictures and Nike have used traditional and non traditional marketing channels to convey their brand message and achieve their marketing campaign. comparing the two, universal pictures have done a better job, evening launching a game based on minions ensures it becomes a part of our day to day activities, thus achieving better brand recall and consumer involvement with the brand.
    Another great example of a brand that has incorporated Integrated Marketing Communication exceptionally well is GoPro that uses a catch line “Be a HERO”. Content marketing goes hand in hand with IMC, as its important that there is an unified message across all channels to reach the target market. GoPro integrates all its marketing efforts with contents that are user- generated by posting competitions on their social media channels to get the users more involved with the brand. below is a link to one of their famous user- generated content of a fire fighter’s original GoPro video which made their campaign even more successful.



  26. Interesting post. Universal pictures take advantages of new controlling format which including the mobile controlling technology and customization which mentioned in your blog. The emotional attachment of the customers also increase the interests of the customers which attract more customers accordance with their emotional satisfactions and effects. In my opinion, the emotional attachment can lead me to make the purchasing decision or choose the services very easily. The successful experience of Nike is focusing on the women target customer, it is not only guarantee the products caring for the preferences among the females, also create the new customers’ pattern in their market. The promotional campaign implemented in the female community expand the participation of the customers. Maximum participation can increase the attentions the customers which drive them to purchase the products of the specific brands. I agree with the innovations and the advanced technology promote the development of the company, advertising can be defined as one of effective way for the integrated marketing communications which can build the brand image conveniently and expand the awareness easily in the customers’ groups.


  27. Thanks for sharing this nice information content on your blog post. I’m so well glad to see this post because it contained a lot of useful information which can be used for business.
    I think that advertising is a tactic in service to a marketing strategy. Marketing is a tactic in service to how the overall business’ quest to create value will be achieved. Many of us throw the word ‘communication’ onto the end of integrated marketing and think the definition is the same. Yet, marketing is certainly more than communication vehicles. Product design, pricing and other brand experience factors all require marketing to be integrated with the other entities of a business: sales, service, finance, engineering. it helps refocus us on the need to integrate marketing more fully with the rest of the business of brand experience. So brand stories are the perfect catalyst to building brand loyalty and brand value.I read a article:50 Brands With Amazing Brand Stories. Hope so can help you.


  28. Its a good post demostrated that the advertising is no longer one way to customers, but there is two way with interaction with the customer. The technologies, the emerge of the social media and smart phone change the mode and the mean of the marketing communication between customer and the company.


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