Old Spice -The Man Your Man Could Smell Like

By Muhammed and Zhen Duan (Group 33)

Unlike olden days where the conventional promotional strategies such as T.V, radio, billboards were being used, in today’s world to best communicate with various consumer segments marketers are utilizing more interactive ways.

Brands are fast recognizing the importance of various marketing platforms apart from conventional channels and capitalizing on it. Old Spice is one of them, when old spice entered 2010 they were enduring decreased sales and their brand image fading because the brand was not connected to the current younger generation. It was obvious that this need to be changed.

In February 2010 makers of Old Spice launched the “The Man Your Man Could Smell like” campaign with an online and television commercial with a new character and with clear image. The new handsome character is shown in towel clad in his bathroom trying to convince the viewers to purchase Old Spice body wash so that the men or for women their man can be just like him or least smell like him.

The commercial was premiered at super bowl weekend (good platform for launch) on YouTube (social media). Old Spice targeted young adults and the humor in the ads appealed to youth market.

Old Spice went one step further by starting ‘Response Campaign’ in which ‘the old spice guy’ replies to question and comments pointed at him through various social networking site like twitter, YouTube, yahoo, Facebook and few other.

The humorous responses led to huge number of the question from the social media users hoping that the Old Spice guy would answer the question. However only a segment of thousands of question were answered but the manner in which the question were answered it didn’t really matter who questioned but rather enjoyed by all.

Many factors have made the campaign so successful, like the real time concept kept the users involved and connected with them at a personal level. The embracement of media precipitated the campaign. They managed to invest customer in the brand instead of directly advertisement


The results were astonishing, day 1of the campaign received 5.9 million views and by day 7 more than 40 million views, Twitter following increased by 2700% and Facebook fan interaction went up 800%.

But the most interesting thing is their sales they went to a wow 107% by July. The results from the campaign was exceptional.

Old Spice has taken IMC to next level. Integrated communication is no longer communicating same message through different channels but rather different channels add-on to brand story.

What do you think about these campaigns like Old Spice ?







28 thoughts on “Old Spice -The Man Your Man Could Smell Like

  1. A nice blog

    Obviously this marketing campaign targeted a certain demographic segment within the market, and a main contributor to its successfulness might be attributed to the interaction between the spice guy and consumers, which may have resulted in creating an image in the consumers’ minds that, in turn, affected their purchasing decisions.

    Using the various marketing communication channels is the mean to reaching the customers, so marketers endeavour to get the message delivered to the various segments of the market, and those interested, will be attracted. However, it’s important to realize that in order to achieve the desired outcome of a marketing campaign, there are few factors that impact this including the product being marketed, the brand of the product, the price, and the creativity of the marketing campaign and its effect on the audience, i.e. will the consumer remember the message or forgets about it in few minutes? Will it create any interest in her/him to consider the product when making shopping?

    A “boring” add may not attract consumers to purchase a product regardless of its quality, brand name or the use of various marketing communication channels, unless this product is unique or consumers have previously used this product.


  2. A very interesting article guys.

    I remember my now 72 year old father using old spice, so my association is of something from another era. Having said that, when I smell it in a shop, it brings back powerful imagery of childhood, your father as your hero etc etc. Smell is indeed the most powerful of our emotions.

    This was a very brave move from Old Spice. The very fact that the word ‘old’ is in the name doesn’t help when it comes to targeting a more youthful market, or a market beyond those who bought it 2- or 30 years ago. As we all know, the most expensive ads on earth are half-time at the Superbowl, but that is for a reason – they have an enormous global audience and they work. The marketing manager who got his or her boss to sign off on this cost would have been nervous though…

    The choice of the new ‘Old Spice Man’ is also interesting. he is young, looks fit and muscular and represents what a modern man is supposed to look like, even the fact that he has no body hair. In fact chest hair is associated very much with 1970’s masculinity, so the choice of a man who ‘manscapes’ is probabbly very deliberate.

    The actor also breaks some of the old stereotypical race boundaries as well. I’m not sure that Old Spice would have chosen an Afro-American man to be the face of their global campaign in the 1970’s. That they have reflects not only how far we have come as a society in terms of tntegration and diversity, but also how sensitive marketers and advertisers now are to these issues.

    The decision to use humour and interaction is brilliant. On one level it gives people something to do during the football break, but it is also getting people to notice and interact with the brand, at the same time giving the company invaluable consumer research.

    What needs to happen now id for the people who saw, intereacted and noticed the brand to smelwl it next time they go into buy a new aftershave. At this point, the ad has helped to distinguish Old Spice from the confusing plethora of new and sexisting scents available to the consumer. I gues they hope that when the buyer smells Old Spice, they think of their Dads, powerful imagery of childhood, your father as your hero etc etc. Smell is indeed the most powerful of our emotions…


  3. I love the Old Spice advertisements, thanks for your blog.
    The reason I think they have been so successful is that they have managed to really hit their target audience of males. They have been able to make video content thats funny, entertaining and also appealing for a consumer. The first advertisement really hit the mark, and then had audiences waiting to see what else they came up with. And then the other success is that the appeal of the videos also made people forget that they were even having something being sold to them. There is great tips from analysing the Old Spice marketing campaigns that can be taken on board for any company on how to become viral and get free advertising and interactiveness.


  4. Considering cognition is the rational view of the brand, this can be moderated as the marketers see fit at the time in conjunction with the target audience. It appears that Old Spice is aiming at new consumers with an existing product. It would be interesting to question, who buys the product? Is it mainly the women driving the scent of their man? That is where marketing diagnostics would come into play. Which out of these questions do they have to work on to create short term sales and long term brand recognition?
    Awareness: Are women aware of the brand? Do they need to be?
    Attitude: Do they have a positive attitude towards the brand?
    Trial: How do we get them to trial?
    Repeat: What makes them repeat their behaviour?

    I would propose the following:
    Awareness: Are women aware of the brand? Do they need to be? Yes they do, given men often want to smell nice to impress women.
    Attitude: Do they have a positive attitude towards the brand? This is created by the exchange of the enticing tickets and diamonds which is the ladies positive association as well as the handsome actor.
    Trial: How do we get them to trial? In line with the idea of been given a gift in return, for the purchase of Old Spice.
    Repeat: What makes them repeat their behaviour? I would propose, if the man reacts positively to the women in occasions which is indirectly related to Old Spice.


  5. Nice Blog!
    well i think you have adressed the key factor which is most important in communicating with the target audience. To rule the market, it becomes essential for the company to address the right audience as the ‘Old Spice’ did at the right time. Old Spice pointed out its flaws at the right time and met the change immidiately which leds to the success of the company. As a result, more and more new customers were attracted to the product and they buyed it as well.
    As a result, it can be said that communication is so important that it decides the future of the company. so it becomes neccessary for the company to assess and make an appropriate and effective communication plan.


  6. The Old Spice campaign was one of the best marketing campaigns and it grabbed a lot of attention quickly. Further to your write up I would like to add just a few words related to the campaign.

    Several factors had to come together to make this campaign so successful: the real-time aspect had users waiting at their computers for the next video; it made personal connections with fans; the campaign snowballed virally by getting the media involved; and they were able to get consumers invested in the brand without directly advertising to them—most of the videos never even mentioned the Old Spice brand. The result of the campaign was phenomenal; it is the fastest growing and most popular interactive campaign in history.

    Overall it was job well done by Old Spice to revive its brand image. Really good example of integrated marketing communication. Thanks for sharing.


  7. Old Spice created a connection with the audience/customers. The ‘corny’ humour and the taglines were just the hook. Most importantly Old Spice reached out (via social media) and genuinely encouraged two-way dialogue and actively participated in the feedback process. The company embraced and respond to the audience/customer in a meaningful way. This created an authentic, connected relationship. Where they succeeded is the two-way interaction and engagement, rather than just a linear ‘sell’ consumerist message/presence.


  8. The IMC strategy used for this marketing concept was a game changer for Old Spice. They successfully delivered the advertisement, through social media, TV, radio etc to reach their targeted audience. So why was it so successful. Consider the following quotation from Mangold and Faulds (2009 p 358), ‘First, social media enables companies to talk to their customers, and second, it enables customers to talk to one another.’ This gave Old Spice the mechanism to gauge customer feedback around the campaign; the feedback being very positive. As the Old Spice campaign continued to received positive feedback, further postings on You Tube, Facebook etc, continued to gain consumer attention.

    Furthermore, ‘People talk about things they find to be somewhat outrageous. For example, Burger King played a joke on its customers by telling them that its lead item, the Whopper, was no longer being sold’ Mangold and Faulds (2009 p 363). The campaign was indeed outrageous, hence it instantly caught the attention of consumers around the world. The strategy employed humour, a man of good looks and physique, and an appeal to not only younger generations, but older also.

    Mangold, W. G, Faulds, D. J 2009, ‘Social media: The new hybrid element of the promotion mix’, Business Horizons Vol 52 ( 4) , pp. 357- 365 .


  9. Thank-you very much for sharing this, MUH2015. This blog gives us the perfect example of how powerful an advertisement can if we establish the right connection with consumers. There are many different ways to connect with consumers but the most effective one is to have a deep understanding of the consumer buying decision process and deliver a simple message around that.
    Maslow’s hierarchy of needs teaches us that individuals are guided by needs – we all like to be appreciated and feel special. Old Spice understood that the majority of men’s body wash customer base were women therefore they decided to make a commercial specifically designed to create an emotional connection with that particular audience. They showed that they really cared for their consumers by creating a response campaign through YouTube and various social media channels with the ultimate goal to establish a community for the Old Spice brand.
    As beautifully demonstrated by Old Spice and a few other successful brands (i.e. Apple), brand community is one of the most powerful marketing (and business) strategy because humans like to connect with other humans. Effective brand communities should be specifically designed to help people meet their needs by serving the people in it.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Thank-you very much for sharing this, MUH2015. This blog gives us the perfect example of how powerful an advertisement can be if we establish the right connection with consumers. There are many different ways to connect with consumers but the most effective one is to have a deep understanding of the consumer buying decision process and deliver a simple message around that.
    Maslow’s hierarchy of needs teaches us that individuals are guided by needs – we all like to be appreciated and feel special. Old Spice understood that the majority of men’s body wash customer base were women therefore they decided to make a commercial specifically designed to create an emotional connection with that particular audience. They showed that they really cared for their consumers by creating a response campaign through YouTube and various social media channels with the ultimate goal to establish a community for the Old Spice brand.
    As beautifully demonstrated by Old Spice and a few other successful brands (i.e. Apple), brand community is one of the most powerful marketing (and business) strategy because humans like to connect with other humans. Effective brand communities should be specifically designed to help people meet their needs by serving the people in it.


  11. Thanks for your interesting blog. The Old Spice campaign will be taught in business and marketing courses for many years to come. Complete and utter brillance! This campaign not only is increasing awareness, it is creating that cool kids club which will translate into sales and lots of em. People will remember the vids next time they go to the store no doubt about it. They will identify with the Old Spice Man and want to be that man and a part of the campaign. Human nature. People want to associate themselves with something popular as if it increases their own popularity. It is now cool to wear Old Spice and people want to be cool.
    I think that this campaign will be what is talked about as an example. This was so well done on all aspects. I wasn’t aware the videos were created within 24 hours – that is amazing!! I personally watched over three responses.


  12. Thankyou for the blog.Advertisment is one of the most powerful tool used by the company to reach millions of people to create awarness about the product.Old Spice with the use of IMC Strategy Targetting the right audience who are young adults to use Old Spice to smell good.The campign which was undertaken by Old Spice to connect people to change their preferance and decision making process.Communication Strategy also plays a major role in communicaing with people to satisfy their needs. The advertisement has attracted many youngsters to use Old Spice which helped the comapny to grow and reach their targets.Over all a good read.Thankyou Guys

    Liked by 1 person

  13. What a great example you have taken to bring out the importance of IMC. I was astonished to hear the amount of views and growth of sales. It is definitely because of the campaign to advertise differently and establish a two way channel to interact with consumers. Does this suitable to all products? If so why everyone is not successful? It is not just about advertising and interacting but also the values you maintain to keep the quality which Old Spice exactly did. This can be taken as great example by other firms to nurture there IMC process. To conclude, Old Spice did it !!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Hi Thank you for the blog. A great insight to Old Spice. There is a strategy and deep thought in all that went into the add and its campaign. The product is for a man but it speaks to both the genders. Though its going to be the man who would use the product the message is delivered to woman who can either buy it as gifts for their man or influence the buying decision of their man. On the other hand the male population is also attracted to the campaign. IMC brings out the message and conveys it to the mass audiences.


  15. This old spice ad always makes me laugh. Let me tell you more about this ad. Smell like a Man, Man is a television advertising campaign in the United States created by ad agency Wieden+Kennedy for Old Spice. The campaign is also commonly referred to as The Man Your Man Could Smell Like, being the title of the campaign’s initial 30-second commercial. The campaign was initially launched to market Old Spice’s Red Zone After Hours Body Wash, but has subsequently been expanded to include other products following the success of the initial advertisements. The campaign targets female viewers, despite the product’s target market being male, as the company determined that women frequently make purchasing decisions in respect of hygiene products even for male household members.
    Coming back to this ad. This is specially for women to make them know how the guys feel.This ad has a very great strategy behind and i feel is one of the most interesting ads ever.
    Thanks for the blog


  16. Great Blog!

    Success of the brand is because the company have managed to target segments audience of males. They have been able to make advertisements that are funny, entertaining and also appealing for a consumer. Old Spice understood that the majority of men’s body wash customer base were women therefore they decided to make a commercial specifically designed to create an emotional connection with that particular audience. They showed that they really cared for their consumers by creating a response campaign through YouTube and various social media channels with the ultimate goal to establish a community for the Old Spice brand.

    The first advertisement really hit the mark, and then had audiences waiting to see what else they came up with. Old Spice aim is targeting new consumers with their existing product. They were able to build relationship and create brand loyalty by their videos. They became a great popular brand which people prefer because of brand image. Overall, they are successful in delivering the message to its target market.


  17. Old Spice advertisements are hilarious at times.
    The reason I think they have been so effective is that they have figured out how to truly hit their intended interest group of customers especially male customers. They have possessed the capacity to make feature content thats amusing, enlivening furthermore engaging for a buyer. The primary promotion truly hit the imprint, and after that had groups of onlookers holding up to see what else they thought of. And after that alternate achievement is that the features’ claim likewise made individuals overlook that they were notwithstanding having something being sold to them. There is awesome tips from breaking down the Old Spice promoting crusades that can be tackled board for any organization on the most proficient method to end up viral and get free publicizing and intuitiveness.

    Thanks for the informative blog guys

    All the best .!


  18. A very Nice Blog

    Old Spice example you have taken show the importance of how valuable IMC has become.More over the Response campaign of old spice not limited to just one country but it targeted the whole world.
    And the advertisement for me personally changed my perception of Old Spice. as I considered as a product for older people.


  19. Old spice, one of the oldest brands which provides men deodrants and grooming products, saw a decline in their sales after many company’s entered the marketplace with innovative marketing strategies. Notwithstanding the setback, even Old spice used IMC to reposition itself into the market

    Same has been the case Axe brand of deodrants from Uniliver which garnered negative feedbacks due to its super-sexist advertisements but still could make the cut. Unilever has had a history of advertising the product line with commercials that depict women in a questionable manner. Since 2003, Axe advertisements have portrayed various ways their products can help men attract women. Whether they are print advertisements or TV commercials, they always have the same message, “sex sells, we sell sex, buy Axe, you get women.”

    In October 2011, one of the Axe ad showed female angels giving up divinity for a man who smelled good. Pitching sex appeal has made Axe a major force in young men’s body sprays, deodorants, and soaps. But now Axe dominates the men’s body spray category, with a 74% share of the market.


  20. Hi. Thanks for the blog. The thought which is been utilized to clarify how IMC has changed the situation of advertising is all that much fascinating and mirrors each parts of present marketing procedures. The ad have figured out how to get the consideration of their intended interest group which was principally males. The primary ad made it one of the quickest developing and mainstream web publicizing battles in history which then had groups of onlookers holding up to see what else they concocted.
    Thus, it can be said that correspondence is important to the point that it chooses the organization’s fate

    Its therefore a good example of IMC.


  21. Its an interesting blog.
    Even though Old spice was a bit popular in my childhood,initially their marketing was not successful enough to compete with their rivals.The reason is because when i grew up i couldn’t see their adds on tvs or other mediums.Maybe there will be advertisement but i didn’t saw them much.But when you look at now,their growth and their market,we can easily identify them only because of their strong IMC.


  22. A very good and interesting blog.
    Good that you guys have mentioned how old spice entered the market without using IMC in there advertisements and the importance that they realised about IMC and after they introduced IMC and the response that they have got by the people are impressive. This is a very good example to illustrate IMC and will set a good example for other companies to use IMC for there success.

    The statics shown also helps the blog to be interesting. Good luck with the essay.


  23. Great blog,
    The Old spice is a great example of IMC. Consumers are bombarded with marketing information everywhere. It is very important to analyze how very few marketing communications are absorbed and enjoyed by the consumers.


  24. Engaging topic, constructed pointing out all the aspects of the brand’s campaign.Old Spice’s campaign set the bar for the kind of social media campaigns that can be launched and since, several brands, such as Cisco, have unsuccessfully tried to imitate the campaign. People everywhere are quoting Mr. Old Spice and Old Spice has transformed their image thanks to their integrated marketing approach.


  25. Consumer engagement was a key factor in the success of the Old Spice Campaign. by allowing the audience to drive the content on the youtube videos. This not only provided a high level of entertainment but quickly built brand equity with the consumer. The content was released frequently, and was personalised to the responses that were being suggested by consumers via digital media.

    The ad itself didn’t follow the conventional rules, as a mens product, the campaign was targeted toward women specifically with the tagline ‘”The Man Your Man Could Smell Like”. in addition to the phrase “I’m on a Horse”, which has nothing to do with the product.


  26. I love this blog.
    I think old spice is successful because these points.
    First, attract eyeball.This is marketing the first priority.Deliberately wacky to attract eyeballs, which is discussed, has always been a way of viral marketing success.Old Spice understands the way, is the best.Before is healthy “, this time is out of the German shepherd, please Sir.Let animals endorsement, or please star when director, are normal, let animals when marketing director is enough fresh!Topic of sex is very, if anyone heard, there isn’t not find out the truth.Going the rounds, formed the spread of the virus.
    Second, the continuous interaction.Very not easy to come up with a good idea, isn’t it through to the end, its effect to the biggest!Mr. Wolfdog just released a set of video entitled “how to become a winner in life”, updated daily blog, also through Twitter and Facebook to interact with net friend warmly.Remember that 2010 YouTube channel “Old Spice” marketing campaign?Just three days took more than 150 video clips, and ultimately achieve more than 20 million visitors.Rapid concentration set off topic, is Old Spice alley.
    Third, the series.Attract a, easy;Continuous attention, good difficult.Today the case itself is laudable, but only put it in Old Spice series marketing case, its value is bigger, can achieve the effect of one plus one is greater than two.Is like running an Olympic relay race of track and field, you a great me a stick, every great important, add up to more successful.


  27. Great Blog!

    One of my favorite ads. Old Spice being a recipient of the 2010 Cannes Lions Film Grand Prix and an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Commercial, and adored by millions of fans worldwide. Old Spice has had a pretty good IMC campaign. Fueled by a new scent-inspired product line-up, renewed interest in
    male grooming and a breakthrough advertising campaign, Old Spice is now one of the leading male body wash and deodorant brand in the United States. Very soon, to reach its peak in the world market as well.


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