The Integrated Marketing Campaigns that Inspired!

By Vivian George & Sujith Parol (Group55)

In this multimedia world, the competition is intense. So the companies have to give their best to stand out. We have witnessed an immense improvement in the quality of the campaigns over the last decade. Here are a few that really inspired and impressed quiet a lot of audience.

  • Coco-cola Life :

As of late, Coca-Cola propelled another item to its long standing line of soda pops, called ‘Coca-Cola Life’ alongside a month long crusade. Coca-Cola Life fits in the same sort of classification as Coke Zero and Diet Coke – another of Coca-Cola’s endeavors to discharge a healthier alternative to its primary intensely sugary item.


The crusade is being taken off crosswise over 7,000 outside areas across the country with boards, transport and computerized screen advertisements; these are all being bolstered by print, advanced, experiential and purpose of offer movement. In spite of the fact that TV is not being utilized the buzz on online networking subsequent to the drinks’ dispatch has been for the most part positive.

Alongside the above’s majority, Coca-Cola propelled an opposition – on Saturday twentieth September a pop-up shop opened on South Molton Street, London offering clients to not simply have an essence of the new Life drink, additionally give them a shot of winning a Coca-Cola Life prize – one of those being a long weekend in New York City. Obviously, to satisfy the crusade’s incorporated position the individuals who were not ready to visit the pop-up shop still had the opportunity to enter the opposition by sharing a Coca-Cola Life minute picture online and utilizing the hashtags #CocaColaLife and #comp.

The item is yet to be demonstrated as a win, yet as a crusade it’s satisfying each particular to be an awesome coordinated promoting battle.

  • Nike :

Did you realize that, some time ago, Nike’s item provided food only to marathon runners? At that point, a wellness fever developed – and the people in Nike’s showcasing office knew they expected to exploit it to surpass their primary rival, Reebok. (At the time, Reebok was offering a bigger number of shoes than Nike). Thus in the late 1980s, Nike made the “Just Do it.” battle.

It was a hit.


In 1988, Nike deals were at $800 million; by 1998, deals surpassed $9.2 billion. “Just Do it.” was straight to the point, yet epitomized everything individuals felt when they were working out – individuals still feel that inclination today. Try not to need to run five miles? Get it done. Try not to need stroll up four flights of stairs? Do what needs to be done. It’s a motto we can all identify with: the drive to inspire ourselves past our cutoff points.

So when you’re attempting to choose the most ideal approach to exhibit your image, ask yourself what issue are you tackling for your clients. What arrangement does your item or administration give? By hitting on that major issue in the majority of your showcasing informing, you’ll join with buyers on a passionate level that is difficult to overlook.

  • Absolut vodka :

Despite having no particular shape, Absolut made its jug the most conspicuous bottle on the planet. Their crusade, which included print advertisements indicating jugs “in the wild,” was successful to the point that they didn’t quit running it for a long time. It’s the longest continuous advertisement battle ever and contains more than 1,500 separate promotions. I figure in the event that it ain’t broke, don’t settle it.


At the point when the battle began, Absolut had a measly 2.5% of the vodka market. When it finished in the late 2000s, Absolut was importing 4.5 million cases for every year, or a large portion of all foreign made vodka in the U.S.

So what’s an advertiser’s lesson here? Regardless of how exhausting your item looks, it doesn’t mean you can’t recount your story in a fascinating way. Give me a chance to rehash: Absolut made 1500 advertisements of one bottle. Be resolved and separate your item in the same way.

  • Volkswagen : Think Small

Numerous promoting and publicizing experts like to call Volkswagen’s “Think Small” crusade the highest quality level. Made in 1960 by a fabulous publicizing gathering at Doyle Dane & Bernbach (DDB), the crusade set out to answer one inquiry: How would you change people groups’ recognition around an item, as well as around a whole gathering of individuals?


It’s just plain obvious, Americans dependably had an inclination to purchase huge American autos – and even 15 years after WWII finished, most Americans were still not purchasing little German autos. So what did this Volkswagen notice do? It played directly into the group of onlookers’ desires. You think I’m small? Yeah, I am. They never attempted to be something they were most certainly not.

That is the most critical takeaway from this battle: Don’t attempt to offer your organization, item, or administration as something it’s definitely not. Purchasers perceive and acknowledge genuineness.

  • Marlboro Man :

The Marlboro Man promotions, which started running as ahead of schedule as 1955, spoke to the force of a brand when it makes a way of life around its item. Need to be free? Need to take care of business? Need to be on the open reach? That was the very meaning of a Marlboro Man. The advertisements were viable in light of the fact that they caught a perfect way of life which numerous men strove for at the time.


The lesson here? Keep in mind that whatever you’re offering needs to fit in some way or another into your gathering of people’s way of life – or their glorified way of life.

The innovations continues, and the best one wins the market.


Smart Insights,. ‘5 Inspiring Examples Of Integrated Marketing Campaigns – Smart Insights Digital Marketing Advice’. N.p., 2014. Web. 19 Sept. 2015.

Kolowich, Lindsay. ’12 Of The Best Marketing And Advertising Campaigns Of All Time’. N.p., 2015. Web. 19 Sept. 2015.


18 thoughts on “The Integrated Marketing Campaigns that Inspired!

  1. Considering the multiples of marketing media opportunities available today compared to 10 years ago, and the potential to dilute the message or compete on a global scale with other companies products. Are marketers better off recommending one medium, albeit a traditional medium to differentiate from the others? By focusing say 90% of the campaign in newspapers and the remaining 10% on internet advertisements, with social media directing your attention to the newspaper article or product website. At least this way the spending is focused.


  2. Hello Team,

    You don’t need a huge budget to run a successful integrated marketing campaign.

    Ingenuity informed by understanding your prospective customer’s lifestyle is more of a core component to building these campaigns than simply taking client dollars and throwing media against the wall in a multi-channel blitz.

    A successful integrated campaign faces challenges, though. How can you cut through the clutter– not only the clutter of media itself, but through the clutter of customers distracted by busy schedules? One way is to understand and harness the difference between consumer interception and interruption (you’ll see this in the Baja Fresh example, later).

    Integrated marketing campaigns are also a useful tool for getting data about customers that cannot necessarily be gleaned from demographic surveys and registration forms.

    With Regards


  3. What I like about this blog is how they have extracted the triggers of what the company is actually trying to communicate to the consumer. It also becomes visible, new brands still have to create awareness and knowledge, yet established brands have already done that and would not spend precious money on that element. They focus more on creating attitudes and associations as well as triggers towards increasing purchasing behaviour.
    What also comes into play, especially the Coke life is the product life-cycle aspect of a product. Coke has obviously looked at a product-line extension to revitalise their existing range, possible to capture a new health oriented market trend.


  4. I would like to make a few additions to this list of exemplary integrated marketing communication campaigns of all times. First n foremost is the Dove’s ‘Real beauty’ campaign which made a huge impression through persona marketing by delving with a sensitive subject in the most differentiating manner. Their promotional campaigns for portraying beauty in terms of confidence although started in 2004 but have stayed strong since.

    Another campaign which made its mark was that of De Beers, and they gave rise to one of the most popular slogans of 20th century, ‘A diamond is forever’. The campaigns were perfectly planned with apt IMC tools being used to create the market for diamond rings like no one ever did. It is indeed appreciable how they ignited the need for diamond rings as necessary luxury items.

    Miller Coors also transcended in its campaign for promoting its light beer (miller lite) by intelligently featuring masculine models enjoying light beer to break the norm about the segmentation for this product as earlier it was believed that light beer doesn’t taste that good. This led to unsurpassed dominance of Miller in the market for light beer it created.

    So basically a well thought utilization of all the apt medium in the right direction gives the best IMC mix for advertising campaigns.


    • I second that. There are many more to add in the list as competition is going stronger every day in the market. As you said proper utilization of all the medium and thoughts gives the best IMC mix for advertising campaigns.


  5. thanks for your interesting blog. As we can know that an integrated marketing campaign is a marketing effort that uses a consistent message across traditional and non-traditional marketing channels.Ultimately all the messages should reinforce each other.Integrated marketing campaigns enable brands to reach new audiences and gain mass exposure to their marketing promotions. Integrated marketing campaigns can be a tricky art to perfect. In addition, the article can help you understand more information about integrated marketing campaign,
    Integrated marketing campaigns gracefully integrated with an intuitive content management system that let customer keep fresh and relevant.


    • Thank you for sharing the information. We have referred these links when preparing this blog. We have filtered the best among many listed across the web and books to shortlist them to five best campaigns.Integrated marketing definitely made the competition live in the market and this art is what every brand is counting on these days.


  6. The campaigns that you listed were very good in exemplifying the importance of IMC. Each campaign has their unique style of reaching people but the channel they choose is IMC for fast and efficient outcome. The takeaways from each campaigns are note worthy. Hope many more campaigns come up make use of IMC as their medium for efficient and sustainable growth.


  7. Thank you for the comment. Several campaigns have made their own signature with the tricks and innovations introduced by the brands. We tried our best to pick the unique ones among them in different product genres. And yes, hope many more campaigns come up to make use of IMC to the best.


  8. This blog elaborately covers instances of some Marketing Campaigns that were unique and gave an universal insight into the mood and perception of their consumers that inspired them to attach themselves to the brand. These campaign ideas were like bedrocks on which success of these brands were built with a strong foundation that allowed the message to travel across platforms and inspired not just customers but other brands to create truly integrated campaigns. On top of my head this blog takes me to American expresses campaign called Small Business Saturday that drove Amex cardholders to
    Support local and small businesses this promoted Human insight that drove the sense of community participation. We do realize that a digital life in 21st century can inspire countless such campaigns where we can appreciate the opportunities that technology helps us afford. Methods like Facebook apps, You Tube explainer video and Google Maps listings can include another dimension of inspiration in the consumers and sellers product experience journey.


  9. Integrated Marketing in a not a one shot effort where expecting that something will attract customers but rather it is approach it where careful analysis and planning is required to maximise the impact.To be successful, a marketing strategy needs to be based on a rigorous analysis of empirical data, including market needs and trends, competitor capabilities and offerings, and the organization’s resources and abilities. The above example mentioned by you like coco cola, Nike do extensive research and then formulated strategy which will make the maximum impact taking into all the factors from the data.


  10. Interesting blogs and it covers some of the interesting and successful ad campaign’s we’ve seen in the past few years. I would like to ad another example of a company which has successfully engaged in innovating their products with the use of trending stories. For building big, with giant blocks. It may seem now like a foregone conclusion that The Lego Movie would be a huge hit, but anyone who’s seen a great book, comic or toy turn into a terrible movie knows better. But the marketing around the movie—with elaborate the behind-the-scenes videos and teasers—was a master class in branded content. Clever licensing deals (including Guardians of the Galaxy) and plans for Lego Movie 2 already hatched, Lego has clearly solidified a 10-year comeback that began with it on the verge on bankruptcy. Lego has done a fantastic job to innovate the way kids or individuals perceive their products.


  11. Good Blog
    The list of campaigns that are listed are really impressive showing the importance of IMC. They have a different way of reaching out to people and make them understand about the product .With the usage of IMC the result is effective and quick. This shows that how IMC s can make a difference in the market. More and more campaign like this can have a steady growth in the market.
    Over all Good blog
    Good luck


  12. Interesting blog.
    This blog helped me to learn the tactics and methods of the companies you mentioned.It was so informative and you guys did a good job.As you said in the comments,you picked the best campaigns which has different strategies which gives a positive impact while reading your blog.


  13. Nice idea.
    The spread of integrated marketing communications and communication object is not just customers and potential customers, and other relevant interest groups, including the enterprise internal personnel.This kind of inside and outside the consistent two-way communication latitude communication requirement.Internal communication is a two-way communication, it also has its own and external communication transmission latitude and communication system.Such as company presentation, internal network, email, staff meeting and wall newspaper announcement, etc.Integrated marketing communications system coordination of four stages: financial integration and strategic integration, the application of information technology, to redefine the scope of marketing communications, tactical adjustments.


  14. Good Blog!

    The Key to an inspirational ad is being able to connect to the products target on a personal level. So, to be inspirational is to being worthy to be noticed, especially as being uncommon or extraordinary.

    The Thai Health ant-smoking campaign required little to no cost but had long-lasting effects that could probably help save a life. A boy and a girl individually approach smoking adults to borrow a light, both with a cigarette in their hand. All the adults are approached in the middle of a smoking session. Rather than give the asking child a light, the adults lecture the child actors on the effect smoking has on their health, the diseases smoking causes, their looks and their life.

    “So why are you smoking?” the children ask before leaving them written reminder bearing the number to a helpline to quit smoking. Almost every smoker was reported to have thrown away their cigarette and there was a rise in phone enquirers to the helpline.


  15. Great blog.
    The examples showing in this blog has identified the influences of the integrated marketing communications. The appearance of integrated marketing communications can be considered as the strategic solution to the competition of the market. The benefits of the integrated marketing communications are obvious to maintain the competitive advantages of the new forms of participation into the market. We use a new communication form to build the brand image and expand the awareness of the brand. These successful campaigns also proved that increasing the communications with customers would be achieving the maximum of the capability to gain the profits and attract more customers.


  16. Thanks for all the comments guys. Your insights have been of great use for us, while preparing our reflective essay and also as, adding great knowledge in terms of general concepts.


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