The “Be more Dog” Campaign – By Telefonica (O2)

Marketing communication is facing more challenges today than before.  Customers have changed as well as the marketing strategies, technology and information from which it has now become of easy access.

Today, access to information is immediate and free for everyone, customers can find out the brand or products information easily through internet and other technology in their decision making process. This has marked companies to pass from mass marketing to micro marketing which aim is to create a stronger bond with clients. To achieve this, companies must carefully integrate their communication channels as a means to send the same clear message, transmitting what the companies’ interests are. This is defined as Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)

Promotion tools like advertising, personal selling, public relations, direct marketing and sales promotion should be aligned to send the same message to customer through these channels.  Companies should consider these aspects when designing an advertising campaign. (Armstrong etal, 2009)



“Be more Dog” was a marketing campaign done by Telefonica (O2) during 2013. The message of the campaign was to prove that life in the digital 21st century is amazing and that there are thousands of things that should marvel and inspire us, but unfortunately we are clouded by other experiences that blinds us to appreciate what technology can do for us. In other words, we’ve become more “cat” as less interested and distant while we should be embracing our inner dog (energized and friendly).

The 4Cs theory below explained by Pickton and Broderick indicate  4 key objectives to develop the goal of the campaign under integration marketing communications.

  • Coherence: Are the different communication channels connected logically?
  • Consistency: Are the messages sent through the communication channels contradictory?
  • Continuity: Are the communication channels connected and consistent through time.
  • Complementary: The sum of its parts is bigget than it all?

Alex Heaton, written in his blog in smart insights, explained how the 4Cs are applied to the “Be More Dog” campaign. (Alex, 2014):

  • Coherence: Messages from the communication channels are delivering a simple centralised message: – to take life by the scruff and make the most of opportunities.

The below 2 ads bring the same message, Don’t do nothing, go and grab something.


  • Consistency: Once again the strong central premise allowed comms across a series platforms to adhere to key points. is the platform (website) created to engage customer to the campaign in a consistent way. There are quizzes, and other relative information for potential customer.
  • Continuity. While the campaign changed over time the strong central premise and it’s application across platforms allowed long-term continuity. The campaign is still running till today.
  • Complimentary: The considered interaction of communications across platforms allowed a momentum to grow and helped the campaign gain a wider audience through social media and sharing. (Heaton, 2014)


  1. What the message from the campaign means to you?
  2. Do you think the “Be more Dog” campaign is a customer acquisition campaign or a brand reputation building campaign.


Author: Group 200