Integrated Marketing Communication in Action. (Group 51)

Its basically a process which is designed to assure that the branded product received by a customer are consistent over time or not. It can be compared to compose a musical piece. In a music score, every instrument performs and participates in a process and it comes together a beautiful music which melts the heart of the people. IMC is one and the same thing where advertising is a piano, social media is violin, public relations is a guitar, which comes together and delivers the message to the people (American Marketing Association, 2015).
In Today’s world there is a huge competition in a market due to Globalization. The list is long and it is getting longer. The companies are using strong marketing techniques and media to attain the attention of customers. For instance, recently there is a launch of apple iPhone 6s in which they are showing the connection of the technology with the people. Additionally, the company is also describing the new features like camera upgradation, new 3D technology, touch id 2 potential and new color launched in the new Iphone.

(Source: YouTube)
If we compare the marketing mix with the Advertisement:

  1. Consumers: The usage of the technology is reflected in the ad, that what all new features can make the work easy for the customers as phone has been one important technology from past few years which connects people to world and each other.
  2. Cost: They also promoted the new price plan of apple in which you can buy a new iphone with the same price as of old one.
  3. Convenience: The new convenient technology Siri which can reduce the workload of the consumers and helps them to multi-task while using the phone.
  4. Communication: They communicated each and every aspect of the new Iphone with their advertisement which can convince the customer to buy the new phone.
    Social media like facebook, twitter, instagram are the common sites which are used to spread the word and do promotions.


American Marketing Association, 2015, What is Integrated marketing communication, West Virgina University, <;