Within an arm’s reach of desire

By Shivam Banga and Vivek. T (Group 43)

Coca Cola is one of the better examples in today’s competitive market when it comes to communicating with its target effectively by the use of Integrated Marketing strategies. They quickly understood the importance of creating links with the consumers.  Coca Cola has started a campaign which emphasizes on being close to their consumers, become an important part in their daily lives and to get attached in special ritual emotions. To achieve they have used special social marketing techniques to create emotional attachment and affiliation with its customers. The common themes in their messages are always happiness, fun, sharing and the tradition of coke.

Also they never hesitate to show their leadership in the beverage market. Example of this can seen their spectacular 125th birthday video which was released in 2011.

As mentioned before Coca Cola has used different marketing tools and techniques to reach and relate to their consumers. One is using slogans like “Open happiness”, “Have a coke and smile” and “Things better go with coke”. These slogans are creative and help in attracting new consumers. Also they have used other tools of IMC.

Direct Marketing: Coca Cola has partnered with big restaurant chains, hotels etc to carry their products. The only brand offered in these joint is coca cola, this way when the customers order a drink he/she only gets coca cola owned beverage. This gives a competitive advantage to the company.


Interactive Marketing:  In today’s world most interactive platform for marketing is internet which coca cola has used to its advantage like they have their own profiles on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram to reach and interact with the virtual world. This helps the company to reach the consumers who doesn’t have to watch their ads on T.V etc. Campaigns like texts and emailing is also used under this strategy.


Sponsorships: Coca-cola sponsors various sporting events around the world like cricket, football including the Olympic games.  It aims to make sporting competitions possible by supporting events for the participation and pleasure of athletes and spectators as well. In this way they are gaining huge attraction towards their product.


Sales Promotion: Coca-Cola is a global product and can largely be marketed using a generalized global approach, but the Company also engages in national and regional marketing strategies which depicts the need for recognizing local and cultural differences.

Coca Cola needs to be different or distinguished from their competitors in order to maintain their leadership in the market, thus they use different tools like consumer focused sales promotions where they use eye catching positions and trade oriented sales promotions where discounts to stores, free goodies and return back allowances are provided.  Coke to promote their new product Coke Zero used an idea to build a reverse pyramid of the product which aimed to prove that nothing is impossible, with this product having zero calories but with the same taste as before.

Personal Selling & Public Relations:  Coca Cola having salespersons which represents the company to sell and build relationships with suppliers and consumers.  Different strategies and different type of media can used to deliver the message to the whole target as some may not have the same image of the brand in their minds. Because of this Coke interacts with its consumers with the help of social media advertising and P.R. Example of this can be seen below

What do you think about Coca-Cola’s marketing strategies, mentioned above. We expect your valuable comments.


1) http://research-methodology.net/coca-cola-marketing-communications-a-critical-analysis/

2) http://businesscasestudies.co.uk/coca-cola-great-britain/within-an-arms-reach-of-desire/sponsorship-and-brand-recognition.html#axzz3n1aGJ2qs



One goal by all means (that is IMC)

Integrated marketing communication was firstly defined by American Association of Advertising Agencies in 1989 as an approach to reaching the goal of a marketing campaign by integrating all different promotional methods which can reinforce each other. IMC uses both traditional and non-traditional channels to achieve it unified aim by allowing all elements support each other. By the application of IMC, the company can process surplus value, competitive advantages, and loyal customers. There are many successful cases such as KFC, McDonalds, Apple and so on. Here, we use Dove (toiletries) as a case analysis to introduce its all aspects of the application of IMC.


Dove is owned by Unilever in the UK. Its products are sold in more than 80 countries.

The products include body washes, beauty bars, hair care, face care products and so on.


Dove’s corporate vision is to “imagine a world where beauty is a source of confidence, not anxiety.” This vision have been used to their billboards ,advertisements, videos, workshops and book publication that Dove help women found herself natural beauty form their different hair, age, skin colour, to body shapes. Dove’s print and digital advertisements are breaking the limited definition our society has placed on beauty and raise people’s awareness that tried to be promote women natural beauty. Dove is not only helping to improve women’s self-esteem across the world, but is also showcasing real life women beauty and happiness as the standard we should all strive to achieve.(2015 Catch themes)


According to Gina Crisanti, one of women who were photographed for the campaign. “It (the Champaign) encourages the viewer to let go of society’s narrow fantastical idea of beauty, and embrace beautiful reality.


IMC emphasises targeting customers and potential customers at the core by using public relationships, event, advertising, and social media to form a closer relationship with customers. The company need to be exposed to the public actively to achieve public positive cognitive response. Customers are intended to form the demand of purchase by such positive cognitive. The company should apply to IMC to form a good reputation by all means. Customers are intended to be loyal to the brand through the company build a tight bond between the firm and its customers. A good IMC plan should make a good business in its targeting market when it can achieve its business goal by fully mobilizing all positive factors.



Does Integrated Marketing Communication works for ALL companies? Have your views?

Marketing is one of the biggest component in every business, it is a tool for companies to be successful. 99% of companies use marketing strategy to drive its business. Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is another application for companies to capture or attract consumers’ attention.   Arguably IMC uses consistent brand messaging across traditional and non-traditional marketing channels and using different promotional methods to reinforce one and the other methods. IMC application uses business and marketing together to relate on products and brands for companies, it also involve company culture, marketing mix, and compass model. The understanding for this application is to integrate campaign’s strategic plan from the very beginning of planning – so that the brand no longer simply speaks with consistency, but speaks with planned efficacy, it creates competitive advantage, boost sales and profits, while saving money, time and stress.

IMC works well with McDonalds, Mercedes-Benz and Microsoft. These companies are able to convey message to message with products they have produce. Other companies tried it fail and earning them law suits. The likes of Red Bull energy drink.


Red Bull is one of the greatest energy drink companies in the world. The iconic Blue and Silver can has become a symbol for vitality, helping people with work and play. Its catchphrase, “Red Bull gives you wings!” is a testament to the sort of imagery energy drinks wish to portray. Does this energy drink gives you super power or wings for you be able to fly ? I don’t think IMC works well here. Not only it has convey a message but it is not a tacky message for consumer want to drink a Red Bull.

Recent article from claims that people of the United States Of America who have sued the makers of Red Bull because of false claims to provide them with superpowers.


Other articles have also claim the energy drink can causes death.


Red bull also faces fierce competition from Coca Cola Company, PepsiCo, Hansen Natural Inc and Rockstar International. Red Bull was not able to keep tabs on them in order to keep their lead. Competitors provide alternate taste selections, compared to Red Bull. Additionally, the other competitors have extensive distribution networks and possess more established brand names.

Another iconic brand that did not make it with IMC is Reebok shoes.


Once famous for Reebok pump with super athletic wearing the shoes and there were big anticipation for Adidas in 2006 to revive Reebok. Even high endorsement deal with Jay Z, S Carter and other NBA stars. The advertisement fall short of expectation. NHL uniforms and on-field apparel ended in 2011 was not renewed was given to Nike.

Article have said have lost its games all together.



From the above two advertisement campaign, IMC does not work conveying one message in all campaigns, it works well when branding and image tying together brings consumer to the mix.

Additional IMC remarks

Yes it is true IMC is basically used to help companies in creative campaigns that weave together multiple marketing disciplines (paid advertising, public relations, promotion, owned assets, and social media) that are selected and then executed to suit the particular goals of the brand. Instead of simply using various media to help tell a brand’s overall story, IMC leverages each communication channel’s intrinsic strengths to achieve greater impact together than each channel could achieve individually. IMC requires marketer to understand each medium’s limitation, including the audience’s ability/willingness to absorb messaging from that medium. This understanding is integrated into a campaign’s strategic plan from the very beginning of planning – so that the brand no longer simply speaks with consistency, but speaks with planned efficacy. This concept inherently provides added benefits that include: a singular/synchronized brand voice and experience, cost efficiencies generated through creativity and production, and opportunities for added value and bonus.

I believe Red Bull and Reebok have not quite absorb the IMC strategy.


With the comment made I believe IMC is a tool for companies to be able to communicate with consumer on clarity, consistency, creativity and opportunities to enhance companies’ opportunities. Red Bull and Reebok have not create a singular or synchronized branding voice that generate sales, opportunities and imaging to the brand. Red bull and Reebok may misinterpreted the use of IMC for their product.

IMC works well when it is effectively plan, created and communicated through the right channels and IMC does not fit well with smaller companies, it is more expensive than traditional marketing, sometimes overkill for some marketing objectives, a large number resources needed to manage communications on marketing channels, large number of complicated data points to determine success and there are no segmented target.






One brand, one story

By Zenan WU and Yiwei Tian, Group 126

Brand plays an important role in the marketing communication. Many famous brands have their own brand stories, some of the brands’ history can be legend stories. Therefore, because of these interesting and attractive stories, the brands have been widely spread all over the world. Moreover, beautiful stories always could create an air of mystery for brands, and some “nosy” people are so curious about these brands, as if they own these brands’ products, they may experience these legends, and they may feel that they become a part of the legends.

Brand founder’s history:
In 1952, a 52 year old salesman came to a hamburger shop and intended to promote milkshake machine to the shop owners (two brothers). At this moment, he found a fast, efficient, cheap and high-quality method of making hamburgers. The most important point was that it was easy to learn from everyone. He saw only one teen could deal with so many orders in a short time. He realized that it was a great opportunity. This 52-year old man was Ray Kroc who is the founder of “fast food nation” McDonald’s.

Legend story:
Italian brand “FARINO” is popular among movie stars and other successful people. Why they are fond of the brand? Just because its products are fashion, and the workmanship is exquisite? Not really. It also has a lively story. In 11 Century, some Roman soldiers went through Alps, it was snowing, and the weather was so cold. These soldiers felt too cold to go forward. At this time, a soldier called Rarino came up with an idea, asked all soldiers to take off leather from clothes and wrap their foots in leather. Then, all of them went through the Alps. In order to commemorate this soldier who came up with a good idea, an Italian shoe manufacturer named its product of leather shoes as “Farino”. Therefore, the brand with this story spread around the world.

A brand story will be communicated by a number of marketing activities and tools such as press releases, brochures and networks. In the process of brand communication, business would integrate corporate image, product information and other basic elements. A brand story can reflect the core values of brand and culture of the corporate, increases the attractiveness of the brand, and increases the awareness and knowledge of consumers for the brand. Moreover, through integrated marketing communicating based on a brand story, which can make customers to resonate with the brand.



Brochure Distribution: an idea for effective communication. (Group-51)

In today’s world, most of the countries are focusing on educating their citizens which is resulting in increased literacy rate worldwide. Now, when people are getting proper education and are able to read and write, it is an opportunity for the companies to advertise their products through written communication.

Brochure Distribution-

Before discussing further about the topic, we should go through the key benefits of brochure distribution which are discussed below –

Direct Distribution to the community– it is an old-school method, but can be effective and affordable at the same time. It is highly useful where the company is targeting a certain group of people or the community for example- if the company offer services to young citizens, the company will only focus on the age group of 18-35. On the other hand, door to door can be dangerous especially in areas  with high crime rate. Further, it can be ineffective when intended recipient may not receive it or intentionally throw it in the trash, thinking it was a trash.


Display them in the counter/reception area- keeping brochures in the prominent areas gives the advantage to the company as the information is reaching to the right audience. Moreover, displaying brochures at the highly visible area encourages customers to take the information.


Direct mail your brochures– According to my understanding, it is the best way to reach the target and focused customers by dropping the brochures directly in the mailbox. In this way, company can maximize its reach while effectively creating awareness about the product.

direct mail

Place the brochures in the marketing packets or folders– Another way of distributing the brochures is to hand over them while giving presentations about the product So, it is necessary to keep the brochures in the presentation folder and packets as the brochures should be handy at the right time.


Many third party companies can undertake this task for the company and these third-party companies tries to deliver the best-in-class service. For example, subscribr to the link below-

To sum up, there are several more ways of distributing the brochures and choosing the right way is the most challenging task because not all the methods are effective and sometimes can create troubles for the company. thus, every company should invest some time in finding the right way for the distribution process.




The Power of Simplicity

By Ashutosh Muni and Brijesh Rao (group 176)

Now that you peeked , let us unravel the secret of the majesty of simplicity. Simply put,Simplicity is a concept which is simple to understand. One God , One Nation , One partner, One life , and finally in the clutter-fuck world of marketing, One message.  What does red bull give you?  How do you feel about Mcdonalds? These are big brands that have opened their eyes to simplicity.

red bull basic

One message. Why is that so impactful? Why do people resonate more when the brands have adopted Integrated Marketing communication? Why is one message as a concept so powerful? The answer is that we, human beings as a species are easily confused by hundreds of different stories that we come across in our daily lives.  This confusion provides a space where a concept such as IMC can germinate and probably thrive under immense competition for resources, attention  and   relevance in the mad modern world .One message is easy to grasp. Most of us know that apple products are sleek and minimalistic in their product design. On closer inspection of the giant that we call Apple inc , we realize that not only are the products subtle in their design, but there is also physical evidence in the form of Apple stores which expand on this concept of minimalism.  Their advertisements are easily  identifiable and relatable to the product itself that there is no space for confusion in the minds of the consumers of what Apple is as a company. This uniformity in the context of brand is the genius of Integrated marketing communication.

As you can tell, Apple was a little ahead of the curve.

As you can tell, Apple was a little ahead of the curve.

In layman’s terms , Integrated marketing communication is the  application of a consistent brand messaging in all types of marketing endeavors. This concept is not limited to advertising , but extends towards all platforms that is available to communicate the brand identity.

red bull

Redbull not only gives you wings but also gives you extreme sports .From bungee jumping to skydiving , From race cars to Dirtbikes ,  Redbull ,not only gives wings but also scares the living shit out of you by sponsoring the craziest, most dangerous  activities that you will find on this blue planet that is heating at a very fast pace( global warming is real people). Guess what? If you had to make a market for your product which basically gives you a caffeine and taurine high, it would make perfect sense to associate the product with such crazy activities ( we are serious, look at their Ad below).The metaphorical association between Redbull and Extreme sports is a brilliant marketing gimmick that has definitely served its purpose by making Redbull the most recognizable energy drink brand from the beautiful sunny beaches in Sydney , to the scenic lakes of Vancouver.


Plain Bonkers.

These are just two examples in the plethora of brands that have incorporated Integrated marketing communication  to create and sustain their brand identity.  Simplicity is simple to understand, However, the effort and the insane amounts of planning required to achieve such “simple”  messaging makes IMC the final frontier in marketing.

Thank you so much for reading our blog. We are ever so grateful. Please do comment.

PS; This video came at a time when Red bull Stratos along with Feliz Baumgartne  decided to spread the word by jumping out of the space .

Behind every successful Brand lies a Publicity Stunt!!!

By Gwendoline D’Souza and Kalyani Pramanik , Group-5.

“Know that the amount of criticism you receive may correlate somewhat to the amount of publicity you receive” – Donald Rumsfeld.

This is what exactly happened when it all started in the 1800s where the first publicity stunt performed was an utter failure. Since then, nothing would stop the brands or companies to go the extra mile and perform more and more publicity stunts including the ‘Train wreck’ in 1896 to ‘The Mission to the Edge of Space’ in 2012.

In the history of marketing, the biggest publicity stunt ever performed was sponsored by Red Bull Stratos which made its way to the Guinness Book of World Records. Felix Baumgartner became the first person to jump 128000 feet from the Earth’s stratosphere beating the ‘speed of sound’. This encourages people like Felix and athletes to do the impossible with the help of an energy drink. It’s very promising as it totally defines the product motto of extreme sport and innovation – ‘Red Bull gives you wings’. This feat created a benchmark to think beyond and create an emotional impact on adventure lovers. This stunt has won the audience attention with millions of viewers on YouTube.

Red Bull- being a totally marketing driven company invests 30% of the 40% of its revenues into marketing. This gives no doubt about the buzz that created many opportunities for the brand and received a lot of media coverage globally. In addition to use of social media like Facebook, Twitter, etc., 52 million viewers watched it live on YouTube making it the most watched live stream in the history. This not only gained the market share with an increase of 17% but also expanded it into countries like South Africa, Japan, France and Germany. With such a stunt, it challenged other competitors to take the risk. With these outstanding results, who would dare to beat Red Bull’s challenge?

Another similar yet a small environment friendly step taken by Mr. Andy Ridley turned out to be the biggest global campaign named ‘Earth Hour’. It all started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in order to create awareness regarding the conservation of energy in response to the global warming issue by switching off all the lights for one hour. This stunt made a positive impact globally which encouraged communities to share the opportunities of creating a sustainable world. This activity for the first time gathered 500000 people in Sydney before going global. Thus, people were encouraged to sign up and contribute to climate change making it a symbolic campaign.

Earth Hour at Sydney

Publicists create a long standing impression in the minds of the audience to encourage the sales of their products. Customers are either driven by emotion or motivation towards a specific brand. There needs to be a story behind every brand and this can be created by connecting the customers with the brand values. Publicity stunts has proven to be the best advertising campaigns for brands like Red Bull, Nike, Krispy Kreme, Samsung, etc. It’s loud and clear that the message spread by any publicity stunt is an effective communication tool which racks the brains of many advertisers.

As an integrated marketing communication tool, what is your take on publicity stunts? Please comment below with your opinions.










How does Apple promote their iPhones?

Since the first iPhone was launched in 2007, Apple’s sales numbers are increasing over the years. From this table, we can see that the sales volumes for iPad, iPhone and iPod are increased from less than 20 millions in 2006 to about 60 millions in 2014. The key factor that generate so much sales for Apple is
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC).

Screen Shot 2015-09-20 at 9.06.30 pm

Apple new iPhone 6s ad

For each version of iPhone, Apple try to improve users’ experiences and added new features and designs. With these improvements, demand for iPhone are increasing and has already created the image as the best smart phone in  the market  and no doubt that it is one of the best smartphone with its own uniqueness that other smartphones failed to achieve in the first place.

On advertising, Apple spends minimum efforts for their iPhones. As soon as Apple launch a new versions of iPhone on the press conference, Apple users and network operators will be the one who doing all the promotion for Apple. Network operators have to undergo certain regulations with apple and have to pay in order to advertise iPhone in their business. For example, the main network operators like Telstra, Vodafone, Optus take their part of being in the apple’s circle by promoting new iPhone for Apple. Meanwhile small network operators like boost, Lyca do not have iPhone as a option for their mobile plan, so that customers of Lyca need to pay full price to purchase a new iPhone or change their network operators.Therefore, if the mobile phone operators want to get a pice of “Apple” pie, they need to advertise their mobile plan with the new iPhone to remain competitive within the carrier industry.

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Apple just announced their new product iPhone 6s on the 9th of September during the press conference. Before this press conference, Apple has already receive so many attention on it without any promotion on social media or any other platforms, rumours about the new iPhone are all over the Internet which is attracting people’s eye balls especially for those Apple fans. Why is this happening, is it because Apple is promoting on social media? The answer is no, @Apple twitter account is still using the prototype profile picture. So why iPhone is receiving so many attentions on social media? It is because iPhone has become the needs instead of want for people. people are using Facebook, Twitter every day with a iPhone. So iPhone has become the needs for people, so when new iPhone is about to launched, it immediately receive large attentions from smart phone users and they tend to share it on social media which is the main reason why iPhone does not need to promote by themselves, the market is already promoting for them, so Apple does not need to take any extra effort in promoting their products. 

Screen Shot 2015-09-20 at 9.04.58 pm

By Group 165


Qijun MO

Source: https://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/advisor/apple-iphone-marketing-strategy-exposed-032350605.html

Red Bull and PepsiCo success through Integrated Marketing Communications (IMCs)

Group 23 – Chetan and Ravi

So I am wondering that I may need to stop research right now or else I will get addicted to Integrated Marketing Communications (IMCs).

What exactly is IMC?

Before defining IMC, let’s take a step back and think about the breakdown of these three words.

Integrated – Combine (one thing) with another so that they become a whole

Marketing – The management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitability

Communications – The imparting or exchanging of information or news

Now we will define what IMC as below:

IMC is a process though which companies accelerate returns by aligning communications objectives with corporate goals.” (Schultz, 1993)

In broader sense, IMC is an approach to achieve the objectives of a marketing campaign through a well-coordinated use of different promotional methods that are intended to reinforce each other.


It is common observation that, people are no longer attached to one media and as their habits changing, they go for different media to know information.

In USA, between 2001 and 2006, consumers dramatically shifted their media habits as illustrated in the chart below.


So, companies have to be very smart in advertising their product so that it reaches all people.

Social media marketing is one powerful strategy that has been employed regularly by lot of organizations. Research shows that over 80% of internet users spend the majority of their time on social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google Plus.


Many benefits to social media are that you are able to target your key demographics very effectively and everything is traceable.

We will give examples of two organizations that are successful with their marketing strategy. The two examples we like to discuss are Red Bull and PepsiCo.


Red Bull came into existence in 1987. It has lot of fans mainly adults and is market favorite now. Its initial strategy to reach people was word-of-mouth. It has spread like fire to many countries.  As the brand value started to increase, it started to face stiff competition from Coca cola, Pepsi, and Hansen. Then Red Bull added new and effective marketing strategy, coming up with a slogan “Red Bull Gives you wings” targeting young males and females and athletes. It is discusses everywhere on networking sites. Now it is available in more than 167 countries Giving Wings.


The TV commercials of Red Bull always had sense of humor to interest the consumers.

What’s inside Red Bull Energy Drinks?

Red Bull always supported charity – WINGS FOR LIFE WORLD RUN


With the 1st Wings for Life World Run a global movement to support Wings for Life and help make Spinal Cord Injury curable was started. It is the only global Sports competition that happens at exactly the same time, on all continents. In 2014 it took place in 34 locations within 32 countries. In the only race where the finish line catches you, runners around the globe compete against each other at exactly the same time, the last one caught by the Catcher Car being the global winner – and everyone running for those who can’t. 100 % of all entry fees and income go to the Wings for Life Spinal Cord Research Foundation.

Red Bull just doesn’t depend on one marketing strategy but it integrates all the available strategies to run successfully in spite of stiff competition.


PepsiCo was formed in 1965 with the merger of the Pepsi-Cola Company and Frito-Lay, Inc. Mergers, acquisitions and partnerships are the key areas of business for PepsiCo to survive the competition from its rivals.

PepsiCo has altered its marketing strategy recently to attain competitive advantage and sustain for a longer period in the market. For this it is increasing its TV ads by 30% in a year. It is also devising new advertising campaign.

E-commerce is shaping up to be the next great revolution in the food and beverage industry and to boost this Walmart’s mobile chief just joined PepsiCo to lead its new e-commerce push.

To conclude, the concept of IMC is divine. The firms that are benefitting people should use this.

Please advise whether IMC should be part of Red Bull and PepsiCo?

Should we encourage adults to go after Red Bull?

Comments are appreciated!!


Schultz, D & Schultz, H 1993, IMC, the Next Generation Five Steps for Delivering Value and Measuring Returns Using Marketing Communication, The McGraw-Hill companies, Unites States

Red Bull 2015, retrieved 19 September 2015, < http://www.redbull.com/&gt;

Banjo, S 2015, Walmart’s mobile chief just joined PepsiCo to lead its new e-commerce push, Quartz, retrieved 19 September 2015, <http://qz.com/503382/walmarts-mobile-chief-just-joined-pepsico-to-lead-its-new-e-commerce-push/&gt;

Smart War: Think different or Next is what?

GROUP 182: Sahal Ali Nechottil and Arshia Nizamuddin

In today’s world, marketing has become so adaptive and innovative that general norms are no more followed. The conventional press releases, advertisements and promotions have now become old school. Here we would like to explain about the two leading companies in the smartphone market. Samsung and Apple!

Apple initiated a revolution in the phone industry on June 29th, 2007 by launching its first iPhone. Apple was since then very exquisite about their marketing strategy.

The, then CEO of Apple Inc., Steve Jobs believed that marketing was key. He explained in several encounters that people don’t know what they want until they see a product and need for the product is then created through strong marketing.

Apple’s marketing strategy: Stand out!


Apple always portrayed it’s products to be unique and branded itself a class apart. At the beginning of the iPhone, general marketing communication forms were used.

But it’s the way the marketing channels were used is what makes Apple so innovative in its marketing strategy. Apple did its best in becoming ‘THE NAME’ !

For eg.,

You don’t buy tissues, you buy Kleenex.

You don’t buy MP3 players, you buy an iPod.

You don’t buy a smartphone, you buy an Iphone.

Samsung: The contender!


Samsung is a very well established company in several products and already had a major share in the market in electronic consumer goods. But after the Iphone revolution, Samsung initiated its own share in the smartphone industry. Its first phone was launched in April 27th, 2009. These smartphone focused on innovative technology and affordable prices.

The initial few launches and products failed as they didn’t have a strong marketing strategy to present and channel their products. In two years, Samsung launched it’s Galaxy S2 which represented beautiful design and focused on Samsung’s strength: it’s screen.

This opened doors for Samsung and it soon became a contender in the smartphone industry.

Changing Times: Changing Channels

The marketing channels have changed in today’s world and Apple and Samsung made sure that they are updated with the current trends. Bloggers and vloggers have become an essential tool for spreading the news on the capabilities of the products. At every launch, both the companies invite several top bloggers and vloggers who have numerous followers.

Apple Launch event 2015 Bloggers updating live.

Apple Launch event 2015
Bloggers updating live.

However, the best marketing strategy that favoured both the companies follows.

The war: Best Marketing Strategy!

images (1)

Apple and Samsung have been competing in the smart phone industry for quite a while now. This war has created more marketing channels for both the companies.

All news channels and papers were covering the patent war between the two companies that started in August 2010. Although this wasn’t initiated by either for marketing purposes, it surely became free marketing for both. Samsung’s response to the patent lose was again a huge tease at Apple. Samsung paid all the charges to Apple in 5 cents coins. This was hugely covered by all media and news channels.


Soon, all the marketing content that the two companies released pointed at each other and the people and media enjoyed this war.


Samsung’s advertisement mocking Apple users and iPhone


This WAR has always been interesting and both companies have used this to their advantage by pulling the other down. Today, the companies are trying to be a bit more modest and not challenging each other but the fire was lit and it’s still spreading.

Whose marketing strategy do you enjoy? Apple or Samsung?

Why so?



