INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION -The path to successful marketing.Group 160

GROUP:160 Ayush Khosla and Carol Sambucco

Integrated marketing communications(IMC) is an approach used by organizations to brand and coordinate their communication efforts. It is the process of effectively communicating product  information or ideas to a target audience. Developing a marketing communications plan is important to any business. This is because marketing communications is one of the most important activities a company can undertake due to its proximity to the consumer.

Example of IMC:Flock Associates – Coca-Cola: Share a Coke With Friends Integrated Campaign

The 5-step IMC process is:

  • Customer identification from behavioral data.
  • Valuation of customers
  • Creating and delivering messages
  • Estimating return on Customer0investment
  • Budgeting,allocation,evaluation and recyclingintegrated-marketing-planaaaaaaaaa

Marketing communications touches consumers using many different types of communication vehicles. Some of which may include:

  • brochures
  • sales sheets
  • data sheets
  • press releases
  • packaging
  • radio/television advertisements
  • print advertising
  • websites
  • E-mail marketing
  • social media
  • video demonstration



One of the major benefits of integrated marketing communications is that marketers can clearly and effectively communicate their brand’s story and messaging across several communication channels to create brand awareness. IMC is also more cost-effective than mass media since consumers are likely to interact with brands across various forums and digital interfaces. As consumers spend more time on computers and mobile devices, marketers seek to weave together multiple exposures to their brands using different touch points Companies can then view the performance of their communication tactics as a whole instead of as fragmented pieces.

The other benefit of integrated marketing communications is that it creates a competitive advantage for companies looking to boost their sales and profits.

In conclusion i would like to add  “Understand the customer and the brand to unearth a key insight for the communication/solution”.


Cute way to success

by Matthew Brown and Mick McPhan (Group 14)

The key to integrated marketing success is to capture peoples attentions through a number of different mediums. These adds do not just have to be cut and paste across for example TV, Internet, Billboards but they do need to need a common theme so that people identify with the product that is being marketed.

A great way to do this is to develop a character that people associate with a brand. A cute and cuddly family of Meerkats captured the hearts and minds of people in a master ongoing marketing campaign for Compare the

29 December 2009 Debut film poster

Compare the Market is a business that compares insurance policies, utility plans and financial products from some of Australia’s most trusted brands.

Oleg is the latest character to enter the Meerkat family and through out the series of adds you get to see his life develop which creates a sense of us growing and bonding with the family and essentially the brand. Oleg even has his own blog.

The campaign has covered TV, Online blogging, Posters, Movie adds and Meerkat toys to try to appeal to all types of potential customers. The cute Meerkats have given Compare the Market a very strong brand association with a group of characters that stick in peoples brain and also very cleverly can continue to bring new life to the ongoing campaign by adding a new member to the Meerkat adventure or sending the family on a new adventure that recaptures the publics interest in the products.


By sticking with the Meerkat family over the last 6 years has given audiences a consistency of brand image and helps to strengthen brand awareness and association as opposed to continually changing advertising themes and thus losing that relationship that has been built up between potential consumers and the brand.

If watching cute Meerkats is your thing enjoy the following 15mins of the Compare the Market Meerkat ads.

Don’t you now love Meerkats? Who is your favourite?
Isn’t this one of the cleverest integrated marketing campaigns of recent times?
Let us know your thoughts on how to take this marketing campaign further into the future?


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Dawn Iacobucci MM4 Student Edition

By Omair and Rohit (group 65)

SHE RUNS & Despicable ME – Two Examples of IMC 

Once considered as a novel concept, fully integrated marketing communication campaigns have now become an important part of marketing strategy. In the present day to address the wide variety of consumer segments, messages are echoed across various channels, that it’s hard to imagine a time when most of the advertisements were platform specific.

We would discuss two examples which inspired us the most as best use of integrated marketing.

“Despicable Me” by Universal Pictures


To capture the emotions of target audience “Despicable Me” used conventional channels as well as new approaches such as billboards, TV, radio, Film premier, game application and social media platforms. This integration of classic advertisement and social media networking played consistently an effective role in mass awareness of not only the desired audience but also the rest.

Universal pictures has commenced the first ever mobile controlled, customized, geo-particular Digital marketing campaign in public areas in different European regions. For its promotion the interactive campaign invited audience to control and personalise the on-screen creative through their phones.

In this the consumers can commands the minions through text messages or online instructions. The minions then respond by addressing the name of consumer. In this way the marketers made emotional attachment of consumers with these characters. Moreover, Minion Rush a game available at apple store and google play store, which was launched to engage viewers with the game characters.

SHE RUNS AT NIGHT – Nike campaign

she runs 1

Nike has gained high level of brand exposure through its various digital marketing campaigns via social interaction of consumers.

One of the best examples of NIKE campaigns include SHE RUNS campaign.

As we all now Nike is a leading brand in sports shoe market however Nike has realized this fact that ASICS has edge over it. Although they make women shoes but never promoted it exclusively to women. In order to address this pitfall, Nike launched SHE RUN campaign.

To further associate their campaign Nike researched by communicating with women on social media and found that women run alone at night and had various odd experiences. To make a strong association of their brand with women they used this as a basis to design this campaign.

In this campaign, they engaged passionate female runners and promoted a concept of running community. The different channel employed by Nike were

  • Physical running communities – created for authenticity,
  • digital communities – necessary to match young female social behaviours,
  • mobile interactivity – essential given high usage by runners, and
  • Advertising – placed in female worlds, not running worlds, shattering the male-dominated norms

To further promote this campaign Nike challenged the female community by launching a 13 Km night race. Furthermore, to add authenticity, they appointed a young runner Carly whose Facebook posts lead massive engagement among female runners on social media. Together the offline and online connection of the brand messages is one of the main ingredient of successful IMC.

she runs 2

After 16,000 likes and 14,000 people talking about the run within one month, it was clear the community was on to something powerful

Other activities which were done by Nike maximum participation of consumers was publishing of editorial on night Run, running workshop and hired ambassadors who promoted the campaign at various places like universities, health clubs etc.

This has been one of the successful marketing campaigns of 2012.

From the above two campaign we can say that IMC does not mean conveying one message in all campaigns but  it is a two way communication and tying the brands core image to consumer. experience.

What do you think how universal pictures and Nike has engaged the consumer in their marketing campaigns? Do you remember any brand story which has best utilised Integrated Marketing tool for promotion?


INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION -The path to successful marketing.

Marketing Management Blog

GROUP:160 Ayush Khosla and Carol Sambucco

Integrated marketing communications(IMC) is an approach used by organizations to brand and coordinate their communication efforts. It is the process of effectively communicating product  information or ideas to a target audience. Developing a marketing communications plan is important to any business. This is because marketing communications is one of the most important activities a company can undertake due to its proximity to the consumer.

Example of IMC:Flock Associates – Coca-Cola: Share a Coke With Friends Integrated Campaign

The 5-step IMC process is:

  • Customer identification from behavioral data.
  • Valuation of customers
  • Creating and delivering messages
  • Estimating return on Customer0investment
  • Budgeting,allocation,evaluation and recyclingintegrated-marketing-planaaaaaaaaa

Marketing communications touches consumers using many different types of communication vehicles. Some of which may include:

  • brochures
  • sales sheets
  • data sheets
  • press releases
  • packaging
  • radio/television advertisements
  • print advertising
  • websites
  • E-mail marketing
  • social media
  • video demonstration



One of the major benefits of…

View original post 133 more words

The Integrated Marketing Campaigns that Inspired!

By Vivian George & Sujith Parol (Group55)

In this multimedia world, the competition is intense. So the companies have to give their best to stand out. We have witnessed an immense improvement in the quality of the campaigns over the last decade. Here are a few that really inspired and impressed quiet a lot of audience.

  • Coco-cola Life :

As of late, Coca-Cola propelled another item to its long standing line of soda pops, called ‘Coca-Cola Life’ alongside a month long crusade. Coca-Cola Life fits in the same sort of classification as Coke Zero and Diet Coke – another of Coca-Cola’s endeavors to discharge a healthier alternative to its primary intensely sugary item.


The crusade is being taken off crosswise over 7,000 outside areas across the country with boards, transport and computerized screen advertisements; these are all being bolstered by print, advanced, experiential and purpose of offer movement. In spite of the fact that TV is not being utilized the buzz on online networking subsequent to the drinks’ dispatch has been for the most part positive.

Alongside the above’s majority, Coca-Cola propelled an opposition – on Saturday twentieth September a pop-up shop opened on South Molton Street, London offering clients to not simply have an essence of the new Life drink, additionally give them a shot of winning a Coca-Cola Life prize – one of those being a long weekend in New York City. Obviously, to satisfy the crusade’s incorporated position the individuals who were not ready to visit the pop-up shop still had the opportunity to enter the opposition by sharing a Coca-Cola Life minute picture online and utilizing the hashtags #CocaColaLife and #comp.

The item is yet to be demonstrated as a win, yet as a crusade it’s satisfying each particular to be an awesome coordinated promoting battle.

  • Nike :

Did you realize that, some time ago, Nike’s item provided food only to marathon runners? At that point, a wellness fever developed – and the people in Nike’s showcasing office knew they expected to exploit it to surpass their primary rival, Reebok. (At the time, Reebok was offering a bigger number of shoes than Nike). Thus in the late 1980s, Nike made the “Just Do it.” battle.

It was a hit.


In 1988, Nike deals were at $800 million; by 1998, deals surpassed $9.2 billion. “Just Do it.” was straight to the point, yet epitomized everything individuals felt when they were working out – individuals still feel that inclination today. Try not to need to run five miles? Get it done. Try not to need stroll up four flights of stairs? Do what needs to be done. It’s a motto we can all identify with: the drive to inspire ourselves past our cutoff points.

So when you’re attempting to choose the most ideal approach to exhibit your image, ask yourself what issue are you tackling for your clients. What arrangement does your item or administration give? By hitting on that major issue in the majority of your showcasing informing, you’ll join with buyers on a passionate level that is difficult to overlook.

  • Absolut vodka :

Despite having no particular shape, Absolut made its jug the most conspicuous bottle on the planet. Their crusade, which included print advertisements indicating jugs “in the wild,” was successful to the point that they didn’t quit running it for a long time. It’s the longest continuous advertisement battle ever and contains more than 1,500 separate promotions. I figure in the event that it ain’t broke, don’t settle it.


At the point when the battle began, Absolut had a measly 2.5% of the vodka market. When it finished in the late 2000s, Absolut was importing 4.5 million cases for every year, or a large portion of all foreign made vodka in the U.S.

So what’s an advertiser’s lesson here? Regardless of how exhausting your item looks, it doesn’t mean you can’t recount your story in a fascinating way. Give me a chance to rehash: Absolut made 1500 advertisements of one bottle. Be resolved and separate your item in the same way.

  • Volkswagen : Think Small

Numerous promoting and publicizing experts like to call Volkswagen’s “Think Small” crusade the highest quality level. Made in 1960 by a fabulous publicizing gathering at Doyle Dane & Bernbach (DDB), the crusade set out to answer one inquiry: How would you change people groups’ recognition around an item, as well as around a whole gathering of individuals?


It’s just plain obvious, Americans dependably had an inclination to purchase huge American autos – and even 15 years after WWII finished, most Americans were still not purchasing little German autos. So what did this Volkswagen notice do? It played directly into the group of onlookers’ desires. You think I’m small? Yeah, I am. They never attempted to be something they were most certainly not.

That is the most critical takeaway from this battle: Don’t attempt to offer your organization, item, or administration as something it’s definitely not. Purchasers perceive and acknowledge genuineness.

  • Marlboro Man :

The Marlboro Man promotions, which started running as ahead of schedule as 1955, spoke to the force of a brand when it makes a way of life around its item. Need to be free? Need to take care of business? Need to be on the open reach? That was the very meaning of a Marlboro Man. The advertisements were viable in light of the fact that they caught a perfect way of life which numerous men strove for at the time.


The lesson here? Keep in mind that whatever you’re offering needs to fit in some way or another into your gathering of people’s way of life – or their glorified way of life.

The innovations continues, and the best one wins the market.


Smart Insights,. ‘5 Inspiring Examples Of Integrated Marketing Campaigns – Smart Insights Digital Marketing Advice’. N.p., 2014. Web. 19 Sept. 2015.

Kolowich, Lindsay. ’12 Of The Best Marketing And Advertising Campaigns Of All Time’. N.p., 2015. Web. 19 Sept. 2015.


Old Spice -The Man Your Man Could Smell Like

By Muhammed and Zhen Duan (Group 33)

Unlike olden days where the conventional promotional strategies such as T.V, radio, billboards were being used, in today’s world to best communicate with various consumer segments marketers are utilizing more interactive ways.

Brands are fast recognizing the importance of various marketing platforms apart from conventional channels and capitalizing on it. Old Spice is one of them, when old spice entered 2010 they were enduring decreased sales and their brand image fading because the brand was not connected to the current younger generation. It was obvious that this need to be changed.

In February 2010 makers of Old Spice launched the “The Man Your Man Could Smell like” campaign with an online and television commercial with a new character and with clear image. The new handsome character is shown in towel clad in his bathroom trying to convince the viewers to purchase Old Spice body wash so that the men or for women their man can be just like him or least smell like him.

The commercial was premiered at super bowl weekend (good platform for launch) on YouTube (social media). Old Spice targeted young adults and the humor in the ads appealed to youth market.

Old Spice went one step further by starting ‘Response Campaign’ in which ‘the old spice guy’ replies to question and comments pointed at him through various social networking site like twitter, YouTube, yahoo, Facebook and few other.

The humorous responses led to huge number of the question from the social media users hoping that the Old Spice guy would answer the question. However only a segment of thousands of question were answered but the manner in which the question were answered it didn’t really matter who questioned but rather enjoyed by all.

Many factors have made the campaign so successful, like the real time concept kept the users involved and connected with them at a personal level. The embracement of media precipitated the campaign. They managed to invest customer in the brand instead of directly advertisement


The results were astonishing, day 1of the campaign received 5.9 million views and by day 7 more than 40 million views, Twitter following increased by 2700% and Facebook fan interaction went up 800%.

But the most interesting thing is their sales they went to a wow 107% by July. The results from the campaign was exceptional.

Old Spice has taken IMC to next level. Integrated communication is no longer communicating same message through different channels but rather different channels add-on to brand story.

What do you think about these campaigns like Old Spice ?


Tesla Media Strategy: No Need to Pay for the Advertising to Build the Brand.

Published by Group 168: Chi S Siu (211274448) & Mazharul Islam Sujan (215305696)

Tesla Motors has no advertising, no ad agency, no CMO, no dealer network. And that’s no problem.

In 2014, electric-car maker Tesla Motors (NASDAQ:TSLA) delivered 41% more vehicles than it did in 2013. In 2015, Tesla expects to sell 55,000 vehicles, 74% more than it did last year. To sustain this type of growth, the company will need demand for its vehicles to continue to grow. Fortunately for Tesla, demand seems to be the least of its concerns — even as it refuses to spend a dime on advertising.


Tesla is a young company, but it’s already made history. Bloomberg’s Sam Grobart takes a quick look back at some of Tesla’s milestones since its founding in 2003.

Despite the fact that Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) spends no money advertising, does not employ an ad agency or a chief marketing officer, and has no dealership network, the company’s founder Elon Musk is building an auto brand whose reputation far exceeds the 10,000 cars it has sold in the past 10 years.

Instead of utilizing dealership as major automakers like Ford (NYSE:F) or Toyota (NYSE:TM) do, Tesla sells its electric vehicles through “stores” in upscale shopping malls and through the Internet. Currently, the company has 35 stores across the United States, Europe, and Asia, and has plans to open an additional 15 in the next few years, according to a filing made with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Test driving also helps sales. “If you’re driving a Tesla, it changes your life. This thing is an incredible wonder,” said CNBC’s Jim Cramer on “Squawk Box” at the end of May 2013, regarding his test drive. “I’m not talking about the stock, I’m talking about driving the car.” Consumer Reports is in agreement. The iconic ratings magazine gave the vehicle a near-perfect score of 99 out of 100 in its May 2013 issue, citing the electric car’s power, “pinpoint” handling, and its quiet, well-crafted interior.

Communication Strategy

With Tesla only focusing on online sales, site traffic begins to be a major concern. Increasing site traffic is essential to the overall health of the company. The company’s communication strategy concentrates on three main media sources: Google’s Ad Words, major newspapers or magazines, social media outlets and company sponsored events.


Tesla Website

The Tesla Motors website will be the main hub of all announcements and advertisements. The company will use this platform to announce new car, promote the campaigns, and give complete details

Social Media Platforms

Screen Shot 2015-09-19 at 1.40.17 pm

Tesla also use the Social Media platforms, such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc to make announcement and promote the events taking place.

Google Advertising

To help promote Tesla on the internet, the Company will use targeted advertising through Google Ad Words. The targeted advertising would be focused on those who are looking at electric vehicles or hybrid cars. Tesla will use Google’s specialised program to increase site traffic.


Newspaper will be used to reach a certain demographic area that will increase site traffic. The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Forbes magazine and Motor Trend magazine will be used.

Incentive Program

The online program is also a “guerrilla tactic” against car dealers in states where the automaker is not legally allowed to sell cars through physical stores, Tesla CEO Elon Musk said.

Tesla Motors introduced an incentive program on June 2015 to encourage owners of its electric vehicles to convince their friends to buy cars, even as the company spurns traditional marketing tactics such as advertising.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk described the incentives as an effort to ascertain whether the company can rely on social marketing tactics more heavily and open fewer retail locations.

Personal Experience on how Tesla does it differently:

The incomparable Tesla Model S, the ground breaking electric vehicle, which has taken the world by storm, has won the top prize at this year’s prestigious Good Design Awards.

The Model S is considered a leader in disruptive design and technology and is the world’s fastest four-door vehicle. It’s also earned the title of safest vehicle ever tested in the USA. It is changing the way the world thinks about transport.

Another judge commented, “Every aspect of this entry is amazing and truly deserves to be recognised at this level”. The Tesla Model S is described as delivering “supercar performance in a sedan”.

One of our group members was lucky to attend the Good Design Australia Award 2015 where Tesla won the award. The winners of various awards in that event whether a company /person had spoken in front of the audience on their work. But in case of Tesla they did not have any company representative for that speech, they had a customer there who recently bought Tesla to speak about the design of the car. It was really out of the box experience and that’s how Tesla does it differently.

Tesla believes in best product which will satisfy the customer needs and which will provide them the best possible advertisement.

Watching the success of Tesla, I think that’s about to change.


Read more:

The “Be more Dog” Campaign – By Telefonica (O2)

Marketing communication is facing more challenges today than before.  Customers have changed as well as the marketing strategies, technology and information from which it has now become of easy access.

Today, access to information is immediate and free for everyone, customers can find out the brand or products information easily through internet and other technology in their decision making process. This has marked companies to pass from mass marketing to micro marketing which aim is to create a stronger bond with clients. To achieve this, companies must carefully integrate their communication channels as a means to send the same clear message, transmitting what the companies’ interests are. This is defined as Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)

Promotion tools like advertising, personal selling, public relations, direct marketing and sales promotion should be aligned to send the same message to customer through these channels.  Companies should consider these aspects when designing an advertising campaign. (Armstrong etal, 2009)



“Be more Dog” was a marketing campaign done by Telefonica (O2) during 2013. The message of the campaign was to prove that life in the digital 21st century is amazing and that there are thousands of things that should marvel and inspire us, but unfortunately we are clouded by other experiences that blinds us to appreciate what technology can do for us. In other words, we’ve become more “cat” as less interested and distant while we should be embracing our inner dog (energized and friendly).

The 4Cs theory below explained by Pickton and Broderick indicate  4 key objectives to develop the goal of the campaign under integration marketing communications.

  • Coherence: Are the different communication channels connected logically?
  • Consistency: Are the messages sent through the communication channels contradictory?
  • Continuity: Are the communication channels connected and consistent through time.
  • Complementary: The sum of its parts is bigget than it all?

Alex Heaton, written in his blog in smart insights, explained how the 4Cs are applied to the “Be More Dog” campaign. (Alex, 2014):

  • Coherence: Messages from the communication channels are delivering a simple centralised message: – to take life by the scruff and make the most of opportunities.

The below 2 ads bring the same message, Don’t do nothing, go and grab something.


  • Consistency: Once again the strong central premise allowed comms across a series platforms to adhere to key points. is the platform (website) created to engage customer to the campaign in a consistent way. There are quizzes, and other relative information for potential customer.
  • Continuity. While the campaign changed over time the strong central premise and it’s application across platforms allowed long-term continuity. The campaign is still running till today.
  • Complimentary: The considered interaction of communications across platforms allowed a momentum to grow and helped the campaign gain a wider audience through social media and sharing. (Heaton, 2014)


  1. What the message from the campaign means to you?
  2. Do you think the “Be more Dog” campaign is a customer acquisition campaign or a brand reputation building campaign.


Author: Group 200

An invisible advertisement-the product placement in the film

By Brian He and Lee Li(Group 178)

We’ve moved from the age of interruption to the age of engagement- Cindy Gallop 

Do you like to see a movie in the cinema or house? Do you want to be a person like James Bond or Miranda Priestly? Do you ever consider to buy a product because of a film? It is the charm to customer that product placement make a deeply impact in our brain.1

007 series probably is the most successful case in product placement, Aston Matin, Lotus Esprit, BMW, OMEGA and etc, those brands become a key factor in the 007 series movie. Audiences can clearly see brands image, logo even features, you maybe feel the role profession, status and attitude from those brands which result in the James Bond becoming James Bond. Being a common audience, I completely accept the product placement like that, and those brands is a necessary part for 007 series, also become a continued tradition in the film culture.

Those brands make a huge profit from the product placement, BWM company increase more than 240 million value of automobile after the Golden Eye. OMEGA create a series of watch products according to 007 film. All the watches in the 007 can find in the official website with giant poster. The impression in the film provide an opportunity that audience become a James Bond by those brands.


More visual example is the film named as The Devil Wears Prada. It is just an advertisement for luxury brands. Although the director doesn’t show any brand name in the film, the audience especially female is too sensitive to research the product in the film. Increasing the lighting, expression and other features, the product presents a gorgeous impact to customer. You maybe buy those products in brand store unconsciously, actually you accepted and maintained those information from the film, and customer will prefer to buy those product because of the film.

The successful product placements have a similar way, those brands and film are a customer fit between the film targeting and brand targeting. Those products also should accord with the role image, I guess James Bond certainly doesn’t want to eat the KFC in the truck.


  1. Do you think customer whether to affect by product placement directly or not?
  2. What is the advantage for product placement comparing with advertisement?


IMC – Social Media – Creating long-term value?

By Brenna Lindsay and Tristan Garthe (Group 100)

Social media provides abundant opportunities for marketers. As part of the integrated marketing communications mix, social media can strengthen and expand relationships through targeted brand building in a fast and cost-effective way. Increasingly intelligent web/online data analytics assist marketers in obtaining immediate feedback on the product and enables corrections to be made as required. But is there a right way to use the dynamic channels that social media provides and what are the ethical dilemmas faced by social marketers?

Lets look at the following video was recently published on Youtube:

It is a video of a young French tourist claiming to be looking for the Australian father of her unborn child.   The video was published by leading news agencies around the world and the original clip attracted more than three million views.   An accompanying Facebook page included posts from Amyot about her distress and even suicidal thoughts. Shortly after it went viral, the videos and Facebook pages were revealed as a viral marketing campaign devised by the owner of a Sunshine Coast digital marketing agency (Sunny Coast Digital Marketing), for a local real estate business (Holiday Mooloolaba).

Holiday Mooloolaba says it has generated the equivalent of $10 million in advertising for the town – and market awareness with a global audience.

Discussion questions:

  1. Do you think this was a successful use of social media in the integrated marketing communications mix?
    • If it meets the marketer’s original goals isn’t it then a success?
  2. What are the ethical dilemma’s of social media as part of integrated marketing communications?
  3. How can social media be used effectively as part of the integrated marketing mix?
  4. Can social media create long-term value?


Iacobucci D (2014) Marketing Management (MM), South-Western, Cengage Learning, Mason

Keating E (2015) ‘SMEs under fire for ‘pregnant French tourist’ marketing hoax’, Smart Company, Thursday, 03 September 2015 1:57,