INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION -The path to successful marketing.

GROUP:160 Ayush Khosla and Carol Sambucco

Integrated marketing communications(IMC) is an approach used by organizations to brand and coordinate their communication efforts. It is the process of effectively communicating product  information or ideas to a target audience. Developing a marketing communications plan is important to any business. This is because marketing communications is one of the most important activities a company can undertake due to its proximity to the consumer.

Example of IMC:Flock Associates – Coca-Cola: Share a Coke With Friends Integrated Campaign

The 5-step IMC process is:

  • Customer identification from behavioral data.
  • Valuation of customers
  • Creating and delivering messages
  • Estimating return on Customer0investment
  • Budgeting,allocation,evaluation and recyclingintegrated-marketing-planaaaaaaaaa

Marketing communications touches consumers using many different types of communication vehicles. Some of which may include:

  • brochures
  • sales sheets
  • data sheets
  • press releases
  • packaging
  • radio/television advertisements
  • print advertising
  • websites
  • E-mail marketing
  • social media
  • video demonstration



One of the major benefits of integrated marketing communications is that marketers can clearly and effectively communicate their brand’s story and messaging across several communication channels to create brand awareness. IMC is also more cost-effective than mass media since consumers are likely to interact with brands across various forums and digital interfaces. As consumers spend more time on computers and mobile devices, marketers seek to weave together multiple exposures to their brands using different touch points Companies can then view the performance of their communication tactics as a whole instead of as fragmented pieces.

The other benefit of integrated marketing communications is that it creates a competitive advantage for companies looking to boost their sales and profits.

In conclusion i would like to add  “Understand the customer and the brand to unearth a key insight for the communication/solution”.


Cola War : The Perfect Pitch –“ Its not just Coke”

Group 62 – Topic 8 Integrated Marketing Communication – Crezwell / Barjes


Coca Cola has incorporated Integrated Marketing Communication in their marketing strategy to communicate with their target customers. Integrated Marketing Communication is the integration of both the traditional and modern marketing process to convey a message to promote a product or service to its end customers. The communication is done keeping in mind Coca Colas mission and aim for its target audience. Coca Cola strives to a part of their customer lives, their emotions,  and happiness.


Integrated Marketing Communication includes advertising, sales promotion, Events and experience, public relations and publicity, direst and personal selling.

Coca cola for many years employed Value 360° Communications as their PR agency to attain their objectives from a marketing perspective. Value 360° helped Coca Cola maintain a positive image of the brand and increased their public awareness. However things changed in July 2015 as Coca Cola took on board a new PR Agency to perform duties. The main reason for change being the extensive communication techniques.

The main marketing objectives of Coca Cola is to reach out to their customer and be a part of their daily lives. Coca Cola adapts their marketing message to their target market and are always based on their values: sharing, happiness, fun, tradition of coke…

The below video shows Coca Colas advertisements celebrating 125 years of sharing happiness.

The Perfect Pitch:

In June 2015 Coca Cola decided to try out few new PR Agencies in the market to help position their brand better and market their product. Many PR Agencies were invited to pitch in and present to Coca Cola what they would do to help the organization in terms of markerting communication and strategy.

Organizations such as Coca Cola rely on public relations services to efficiently implement marketing and communication strategies. The rising demand for social media marketing, PR consultants who are positioned to integrate traditional, digital communication strategies have gone up significantly.

In July 2015 Coca Cola announced MSLGroup as their new PR and Marketing Agency. What made MSL different from other agencies ? Was it a perfect pitch ?.


Not vendors / Agency but partners.

MSLGroup emphasized that it would not just act as an agency or vendor but a partner to Coca Cola to promote their vision and marketing objectives.  The team looking into the account would fully understand the industry and business. At times it is important that the client should consider the consultants advice.

Focus on Marketing Strategy:

MSGGroup as a PR Ageny is focussed on delievering the clients message across to their audience as per the company strategy. MSL is not an agency focussed only on Facebook and Twitter as answers to every problem. They believe that social media latforms are only  a part of the soluction and not the solution.

Quick Approach:

MSL Group as a PR Agency will bring with it self years of experience in similar industries, and a new dimension to the marketing communication landscape.

Identifying new trends:

MSL has a proven track record of taking responsibilities from the client and finding new ideas and opportunities to enhance its clients visibility.


Coca Cola decided to employ MSLGroup as their new PR ad Marketing agency as it portrayed and presented a whole new dimension to PR marketing and showed signs of promoting and taking the brand name of Coca Cola to a whole new level. It is yet to see if MSL can live up to its hype and expectations. The cola war continues….

Reference List:,mslgroup-bags-coca-cola-indias-pr-mandate.aspx

IMC in B2B enviornment

IMC is about integrating a brand message across any media, not just traditional advertisement outlets, says Iacobucci (2013)

This is vey true when it comes to B2B marketing, in manufacturing and other types of industries.

How many times have you seen or heard, a steel manufacturer, a fasteners supplier or a welding equipment seller advertising on primetime TV or Radio?

Rather than the traditional communication channels, personal selling is the main communication vehicle in B2B marketing.

B2B customer-supplier relationship is desirably long lasting. They both depend up on each other to a large extend. A car manufacturer heavily depends up on their suppliers to get the parts delivered on time as part of their JIT (Just in time) system especially when they follow advanced methodologies like LEAN,5S etc. When the car manufacturer goes out of business several of their suppliers take the hit as well, effecting even the whole community.

B2B buying process is also different from that of B2C.

Usually a business buy in large quantities and it will be on going. A longer relationship is achieved by involving a sales representative. They can develop, maintain and generate new sales leads. Sales rep will also be the point of contact for the business and thus we can say, more emphasis is given for personal touch in B2B marketing.

In B2B, when a purchaser has established a supplier database and selected the most suitable ones, it is often set for an ongoing relationship. For example, a sheet metal company utilising the service of a courier company to ship their products. This can be compared to consumer loyalty to an extend. However, in this case the repeat purchase is almost certain, unless some other similar supplier can offer a better deal and influence and impress the purchasing officer. Here, advertising the product through TV, Radio or newspaper is almost ‘zero’ effective. The purchaser is an individual. However, he/she is not purchasing for their personal benefit and ‘virtual’ influence through advertisement will have least effect on them.

How can a sales person influence the purchaser in this case?

What are the channels they can use to break the existing bond between a prospective customer and their existing supplier(Competitor)?

Which stage of the AIDA process is critical in B2B marketing?

  1. Get attention by Dropping the Brochures, Cold calling etc.
  2. Grab the customers’ interest via face to face meeting, sales presentation etc.
  3. The desire, through trade shows, onsite product demonstration, free product samples etc.
  4. And Action by negotiation and settling on a new contract or deal.

Is there any other communication channels you can think of, which will be effective in B2B environment?

How effective is closed loop marketing in B2B?

Thanks a lot for reading this Blog. Your inputs are valued greatly!


Half of what I spend on advertising is working… I just don’t know which half…

By K.Ramsay and K.Huynh (Group 189)

It’s the old catch cry of many a marketer…

I spend a fortune on advertising – half of it works and half of it doesn’t!

In today’s environment of showing ROI on every dollar spent – where CMO’s are constantly challenged to relate spend back to return – the need for integrated campaigns – and mechanisms to record effectiveness are paramount.

Advertising is certainly known as the superstar of a marketers stable. It’s glitzy, it’s glossy, it can be loud and bold and everybody warms to a good piece of advertising.

But ask yourself this – haven’t we moved on from the 1950’s attitude of advertising is the primary and most important way of getting our message across?

We think we have – but what do you think?

“Advertising is the price companies pay for being un-original,” designer Yves Behar has said.

A sophisticated integrated marketing communications program can have very little to no advertising and still be highly effective.

I give you Costco, Krispy Kreme, Spanx, Zara and Kiehls. When was the last time you saw an ad for these hugely successful brands?


Thanks Huffington Post

In fact I challenge you to think about having ever seen a TV ad for Zara or Krispy Kreme – you might see an occasional billboard here or there… but they are by no means an ad agencies golden ticket…


And they certainly don’t have sophisticated subliminal messages delivered through ads making us thirsty…

So what about the quiet achievers of the marketers kit bag… like direct mail… sometimes considered boring and very old school… direct mail can still be one of the most compelling and effective ways to get a targeted message to an audience.

An integrated campaign certainly has multiple touch points delivered by multiple tactics…. But a successful, well executed campaign doesn’t always need the superstar…

  • So how are you using advertising?
  • Do you still see it as fundamental to an integrated marketing communications campaign?
  • Do you know which half works?

Fill us in – has the advertising star faded or is it shining brightly?


Advertising Blunders – Lessons in Integrated Marketing Communications

by Sundus Yunus and Sahil Mehta (Group 3)

Ever imagined how many marketing messages we see every day and how many of them are effective in achieving goals. NY times quoted a range of 3000 to 20000 messages seen by an average consumer in a day.  This exhaustive list includes every single label you pass by and every ad message in your mailbox whether you see it or not and even the label on everything you wear.

Integrated marketing communication is a powerful planning tool to optimize marketing promotions. Nevertheless, things can go terribly wrong if it is not backed up by rigorous research and planning. What I am trying to say is that mixing all channels of communication and presenting it to the target market may not always be a good idea. It requires time, cost and energy to bring the right mix of communication to the right customer at the right time to stimulate purchase.

Let’s take advertisements for example, if things were that simple, everyone would be making clutter-breaking ads with effective communication. However, the real world of marketing is way more complicated than you think! It’s a world of continuous research, numbers, insights, ideas and marketing objectives.

Lessons in IMC are full of communication blunders, some of which are shared on the post. These blunders are good for knowing what went wrong and more importantly, how to stay away from ineffective marketing communication.

Marketing Communications

The King at Burger King

Burger King with its famous franchise, Hungry Jack’s in Australia is known to many people. The brand tried to make a star out of its Burger King mascot for years starting in 2003. The king was featured in TV commercials and franchise promotions but people just could not connect with the strange looking king. The campaign officially ended in 2011. Nobody wanted to wake in the morning to an old plastic expressionless king who had no relevance with burgers.  According to company reviews, the king had no influence on sales and consumer awareness.


Kellogg’s Hungry Kids Breakfast Campaign

Kellogg’s was forced to apologize for its social media advertisement requesting people to retweet  a post based on giving breakfast to hungry and vulnerable children. The communication was heavily criticized for targeting starving children to promote breakfast cereal.

kellogs tweet fail

Huggies Dad Test

During a campaign called ‘Dad Test’, an advert showed fathers as incompetent and indifferent caregivers implying babies are in trouble with their dads. This affected parents’ values and triggered the target audience in a negative way. The whole campaign was changed and a revised advert showed dads as caring and loving as mums.

Health Net Insurance Company- Fake tweets


An insurance company was caught putting fake tweets through outdoor advertising medium. The people shown in tweets really never existed. The ad was removed immediately and negatively affecting brand image.

Reebok and Barcelona Olympics

It all started when Reebok invested heavily in a series of super bowl commercials on two American athletes, Dave Johnson and Dan O’Brien. The two were rivals and potentials to win gold medals. As per Reebok whoever won, Reebok would benefit from associating with the athlete. Unfortunately none of them was able to make to the grand event, leaving Reebok in full panic.

A similar disaster was faced by American Express that surrounded its S10 million campaign around Andy Roddick who had to make an early exit from US tennis open shattering the brand’s objectives.

Panasonic – launch of Consumer Personal Computers

Panasonic selected a famous cartoon character Woody Woodpecker to launch its brands in consumer pc market. The product was called woody and its touch screen feature was called touch woody. Consumers received this communication as nothing but an irrelevant humor appeal that did not go with the brand image.


Hyundai – A Life Saving Car

An advertising campaign showed a new Hyundai car with 100% water emissions that saved a man from committing suicide sitting in the Hyundai car. Consumer backlash proved suicide was not at all a good theme to promote the brand.

Key things to remember:

Integrated marketing communication is based on extensive research and data analysis. Demographics, insights and contextual data are as important as the marketing channel. Such information is ever changing and hard to analyze.  Marketers often fail to create effective advertisement due to lack of research and planning by falling prey to the attractiveness of different mediums.

A well-designed, well-researched campaign targeted to specific customers may require more attention but ultimately saves time and money.

So in order to make a conclusion, it is possible to say the greater the brand is the more serious damages it can make. This is not about having a laugh at these fails rather to understand why communication mistakes are made and what the best possible ways to avoid them are.

It is quite interesting to research how strong brands fail to persuade target audience at many times. Is it because of lack of communications planning or poor implementation? What are the best possible ways to avoid communication fails?

Your input on why certain marketing campaigns fail will be highly appreciated.

Bottle of Happiness

By Pratik Prabhu & Stephen Kiran (Group 66)

Coca Cola uses integrated marketing communication to communicate with its target market. Coke pioneers itself in using 360 degree communications, as the company understood the need to get in touch with its potential consumers by creating links and tracking them down, wherever they are.

The communication strategy used is in accordance with the market, the society, the potential consumers, product positioning, etc. Coke connects with its consumers on a personal level, by striving to be a part of their daily lives and making it, a ritual during specific moments. This is done through the use of social media and social marketing through social responsibility. A simple example; creating emotions and affiliation towards its target market or raise awareness for social causes like earthquakes and hurricanes.

Apart from this, Coke also focuses on fun and entertainment as that’s the most significant message it looks to deliver. Although the message changes from time to time, the values remain the same: sharing, happiness and good times.

Coco Cola’s 125th anniversary; going big and all out.

A funny yet emotional campaign, that Coke has implemented in several countries.

Coke used the IMC campaign in the beginning of 2006, “Taste the Coke side of life”. From there on, the company adapted a whole new communication strategy, i.e., IMC. This meant creating new departments and new jobs.

Key components of IMC mix:

Thos mainly depends on objectives of the company rather than the product or market. The modes of media used are; TV advertising, print media and billboards. These elements must work as a cohesive unit to deliver a persuasive and consistent message to the targeted market segment.

Tools used:

  • Advertising: Most important mode of communication for Coco Cola as it caters to markets, globally. They believe in creating a strong brand image and creating brand awareness. Their slogan became memorable and universally acceptable, as was their message being conveyed.
  • Direct marketing: They offer partnerships and co-op campaigns. They also get personal with the consumers with e-mails, texts, sponsorships, gifts, etc.
  • Interactive marketing and social media: Coke uses social media to its advantage, networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter have been extremely resourceful.
  • Sales promotion: Being a necessity to be different from its competitors, the company uses various strategies towards consumer relationship management and trade. During a Coke Zero campaign, a reversed pyramid was built in various stores using sealed Coke cans. This aim was to prove, nothing is impossible. Such as the taste of Coke and Coke Zero, but with lesser calories.
  • Public Relations: Coke implements its PR strategies through cultural events, concerts, cinema, sport, etc.

Coke uses different forms of media to deliver the same message to its target market because no two people are alike. Some prefer the tele, whilst others prefer the internet, and there are the others who live and “make it real”.

Compare the pair or is it Compare the Hotels?

Mladen Kustura & Michael Di Stasi – Group 1,587

Could you imagine only 10 years ago no one knew what Google was? Now people are using  it as everyday lingo.  The same could be said for the most popular Hotel search engine, Hotel’s Combined.

Comparing the market websites have seen a high increase in price sensitivity by the consumer, what might have been a long cumbersome task once before is now all at the reach at the touch of a button.

These day’s different products can be put up against each other whether it would be insurances, flights, telecommunication or even hotels around the world. People want to get the best deal possible but don’t want to spend days looking for it.


But how do you choose one site from another to compare products?  Hotels Combined have released ad campaigns across TV and online only to get the consumers attention and distinctively get their message across.

This was not an overnight decision, from their inception in 2005 it took them nearly 8 years to deploy an ad campaign that would suit their performance model but in 2013 they went with Benjo Advertising and Media Match

You could say that their ads are not special; I mean they ripped off a scene from our favourite Monster movie, Monsters Inc []. One thing they do have though is a very simple pitch…

  1. Best price Guaranteed
  2. Finding a great deal
  3. Its Easy

Part of Hotels Combined integrated marketing is to keep its overarching strategy the same and constant while sending out a message of consistency, which is, give the consumer what it wants when comparing hotels deals (best price), keeping it simple and not bombard them with other deals like car rentals and flights.

Hotels Combined

Marketing your brand trying to become a way of life…

NIKE – JUST DO IT! (Did they actually do it?!) [Group 52]


About NIKE.

The foundation of Nike and its trademark logo started when Blue Ribbon Sports sold part of the company shares and began manufacturing sport shoes with Nike Logo. It was in 1971 that the overall concepts of the business plan were nourished between its founder Phil Knight and co-founder Bill Bowerman. It was only in 1972 that the company was founded and officially went public in 1980. (, 2015)

Since it foundation and establishment, the company today boast of 36,000 employees worldwide. With its headquarter in Beaverton, Oregon, most of the company operation also are carried out from herein, which boast of almost 7000 employee in its headquarter. As per the company information it says that Nike revenue for the year 2014 was calculated $27.8 billion. (, 2015)

What is IMC?

As defined by the American Association of Advertising Agencies, integrated marketing communications ” … recognizes the value of a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic roles of a variety of communication disciplines advertisingpublic relationspersonal selling, and sales promotion and combines them to provide clarityconsistency, and maximum communication impact.” (, 2015)

imc nike2

Source: Nike’s Integrated Communication Mix (Pickton and Broderick, 2005)


An example of a brand with a consistent message is Nike with its “Just Do It” campaign used across all media since its inception in 1988. Nike created a strong brand, through its effective branding using consistent messaging across all communication platforms. The benefits of a strong brand, includes differentiation from its competitors, a barrier to entry, the ability to demand a higher price, and the opportunity to experience higher revenues. Nike is a prestige brand that adds value to its products communicating an upscale image identified by the Nike swoosh logo distinguishing the purchaser as a selective individual. Image is especially important in the highly sporting goods market with fierce competition from Under Armour, Adidas, and Reebok. These competing brands cannot compare to Nike in terms of consistent brand message and in the case of Reebok have changed brand messages several times over the years. Nike’s marketing excellence with a consistent brand message has propelled the company to economic success and established Nike as a prestige brand with significant brand imc works at nike

Nike also makes use of contemporary marketing instruments such as the internet, wherein people in almost any part of the world could access various sites to customize Nike shoes and products.

custom nike1 custom nike2


Digital media and its use is known to have been at the heart of Nike marketing communication. Its website is one example, where media is at full play. When we analyse the feature of Nike tactics and action programs related to marketing, we can see that their strength have been through an intuitive content and graphics that appeals consumer. The evolution of Nike marketing did not take that long since the ‘Swoosh’ sign was selected as a logo by its co-founder. More information can be found on .

nike website



Nike realized that women were wearing their brand from head to ankle but could not commit to wearing their shoes. They understood that ASICS had a slight edge in shoe sales, especially among women. An example of Nike’s integrated media campaign strategy was to use real female runners as the primary channel to promote and grow the community a significant departure for Nike from elite athlete-led communication. (Marketing Magazine, 2015)

After 16,000 likes and 14,000 people talking about the run within one month, it was clear the community was on to something powerful.

Further promotion was provided through Electronic Document Management System sent out to Nike’s various databases and via a Cosmopolitan partnership, which included:

  • An editorial feature on night running,
  • advertising,
  • website integration with via editorial, plus impactful display advertising, sending users through to the race’s Facebook registration, and
  • A running workshop.

With 87% of young female runners running with their phone, an app with content generated by Nike and the runners was made available to the women to provide further inspiration and motivation.


Do you think NIKE is going to do all guns blazing in the near future?

Is integrated marketing strategy best suited for NIKE?

Should NIKE choose a different market approach and target a different segment of people?

We welcome your comments.


Pickton, D. and Broderick, A. (2005) Integrate Marketing Communications (2nd ed.)Harlow: Pearson Education., (2015). What is integrated marketing communications (IMC)? definition and meaning. [online] Available at: 

Marketing Magazine, (2015). She Runs The Night – strategy, execution, results of Nike’s groundbreaking campaign – Marketing Magazine. [online] Available at:, (2015). Nike Official Site.

The Magical Marketing Tale: Harry Potter Movies (Group-46)

-By Kamal Wahi & Grishma Patel

You might wanna grab one of these before reading on (Butter beer or Pumpkin juice)!!

1                          Source:

Having huge fan base round the globe, Harry Potter’s long trail of books & movies reminds us about its mammoth success worldwide and evolution of a brand in itself. Is it just because the books and movies were so brilliantly written and picturised or is it something else that made it like that? The answer is the “magic of marketing”!! Yes, being rejected by 12 publishers with the first book to be launched in the year 1996 and accepted by Bloomsbury publishing house, from here, there was no stopping!!

Harry Potter was a commercial success because of the marketing strategies employed using all of the available resources also known in technical terms as Integrated Marketing Communication(IMC). IMC is the application of consistent brand messaging across both traditional and non-traditional marketing channels and using different promotional methods to reinforce each other.

First book released and gathered eyeballs,

Now marketing would be a piece of cake? Not Really!!

Book Advertising budget was $3.5 million, Movie Advertising budget was $142.7 million, DVD/Video Advertising budget was $68.5 million and Merchandise/cross-promotion Advertising budget as $54 million. IN TOTAL $268.7 million (Gosh!!). Also one of the main factors was word-of-mouth of fans that did wonders!!

Finally Fans take control…

marketing-harry-potter-22-728new            Source:

A lot can be expected if fans take the control and start promoting the brand..

Harry Potter in these famous print medias:


Books were massively famous in terms of print media, as these were the first look and feel of the tales before the movies could be made(So obvious). Though not so obvious as J.K Rowling had no plans to invest in movies until Warner Bros. offered it on a large production scale which turned out to be a mammoth success.

Launch of Pottermore website to interact with fans and engaging them with harry potter tales forever!! Brilliance of marketing with long lasting effect!!


Visit pottermore website and get sorted into your houses!! No unneccesary wand waving please..

Example of tease marketing or countdown marketing:harry-teaseSource:

Not giving them complete information and creating curiosity among readers to get them in finding out the story behind everything..Perpetual/Tease marketing.

It is rightly said that consumers build the brand by making them emotionally attached, their experiences and by giving them the control of the ship, so that they make it sail and not sink! This is the reason that harry potter fans are loyal to the brand leading to its advocacy and word-of-mouth marketing!!

Consistent communication and messaging became a unified effort and part of IMC. Consumers were surrounded by experience of branding by witnessing jumbotron ads at Times Square(New York), Running knight bus in London, participating in contests, artificial supply of books leading to limitation and massive pre-orders (JUST LIKE OUR APPLE IPHONES!!).

Contest conducted for Harry Potter Fans, letting the consumers take control of marketing!! Share your pics dressed in your favourite character and Win Tickets!! Simple…

contest         Source:

Why would a true fan miss this chance..?!

People went a step further to replicate the movies by setting up quidditch matches, mobile games and fancy dress parties dedicated to harry potter characters.!!

people          Source:

Here we introduce the concept of Pull Marketing..

“Pull marketing is an approach designed to draw customers to a brand through search engine optimization (SEO) and other non-intrusive methods. The ultimate goal is to strengthen consumer awareness of a brand and products and foster demand” (, 2015).

It is consistently mentioned said that customer’s demand drive sales and not the marketing tactics but on the flip side of the coin, marketing is used as a catalyst to foster demand…( All we talk about is marketing!!)

The marketing specialists played wisely in this game of building brand monopoly by also limiting the merchandising and not overextending the brand(No Happy meals, No Shreks and Cars) receiving success in developing demand in public and making people to want more,..more,…and more!!

Harry Potter’s merchandise flood the market…Fans lovin it!!


Actual showroom to buy harry potter products(You might wanna visit once..!!)


All of these images represent direct and indirect way of marketing involved which are also conventional in some way whereas unconventional phase of marketing is social media & internet.

After the last movie released, the focus shifted in engaging the fans emotionally by developing online communities. The interest of the marketers shifted towards social online communities withpre-analysis about extensive usage of internet and involvement of people to utilise internet more often than watching TV and visiting places. However, it is wondrous to see people going to universal studios where the entire set of Hogwarts is setup for public viewing and business minded marketers capitalising on it by building theme parks which are amusing for both adults and children.

HOPE you found the stuff interesting and informative. Please provide your valuable comments on the blog.

Finishing off with some fun-filled facts about harry potter movies(not many of us know) (BuzzFeed, 2015):

  1. The graphics team hand-wrote thousand of letters but then found out that they were too heavy for the owls, so they had to make them again.
  2. Even then it took the owls six months to learn how to carry the letters.
  3. The doors at gringotts actually work,it took three months to make the door they used for bellatrix’s vault.
  4. There was only one staircase built for the movies.
  5. Many of the portraits on the walls(the moving pictures) in hogwarts were actual images of the cast and crew. For example, one of the portraits has production designer Stuart Craig in it.
  6. All the potions they drank were actually soup.
  7. Every exterior shot of Hogwarts was made using a model. It took seven months and 40 people to make it.

Now that’s magic.

List of references:

BuzzFeed, (2015). 31 Unbelievable Facts That Make The “Harry Potter” Movies Even More Magical. [online] Available at:

Weintraub, S. (2013). HARRY POTTER Platform 9 3/4 Shop at Kings Cross Station in London Pictures. [online] Collider. Available at:, (2015). What is pull marketing? – Definition from [online] Available at:


By: Sanjana Gandham and Tejas Kadam, Group:96

Want to buy this phone? Wait!!! You can’t purchase that without following the Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram and join a community on Forum.

(Chitty et al., 2014)has stated that one of the key features of Integrated Marketing Communication is using the relevant media to spread your message to the targeted customers.

fb instagramtwitter

One has to sign up to get into the reservation list for One Plus 2 invites. And in order to get the invites one has to continuously blog on the Forum. ‘Keep in mind, you may still participate in our contest and events to get an invite, Keep on top of our updates by following our Blog, Facebook, Twitter, or join the community on Forums.’ This is addressed by the company through a mail once you register for reservation to get the invites.

(Chitty et al., 2014)IMC is a communication process that entails the planning, creation, integration, and implementation of diverse form of marketing communications, such as advertisements, sales promotions, personal selling and publicity, that are delivered to a brands targeted customers and prospects over time.

OnePlus has advertised on Facebook, and promoted the product on YouTube.It makes you share the link on the social media and if anyone signs up through your link you will get bumped up in the reservation list. So they are making you do the marketing through social media and some http://www.newssites (CNBC,DAILY MAIL, and FORBES)

The company has managed to launch its second product (OnePlus2) in Virtual Reality. First smart phone launched in live streaming VR. And they gave away cardboard headsets to watch this video almost for free.

oneplus_cardboard1       oneplus-cardboard2

In India, One Plus has partnered with Bharati Airtel (Cellular Company) to showcase its smart phone.(Iacobucci, 2013) A face to face conversation is necessary to find out about consumers’ preferences.

Another example:

Research shows that social media is increasingly a platform consumers use to express their loyalty to their favorite brand and products, and many seek benefits from this by promoting their products.In today’s environment consumers face enormous options of competing and appealing automobiles, hence developing an effective marketing strategy is very crucial to hike the number of sales.

“When it comes to automobiles It is especially important for a luxury – car makers to promote and build emotional attachment with the brand”If you can demonstrate to Lamborghini or Ferrari that you can drive a million views to a video, they are more than happy to lend you a car said Ebrahim, who runs the London based website

Munich- based BMW is using the internet to keep them at bay, creating a web campaign for showcasing the M performance version of the 1 –Series Coupe.BMW teased different versions of the sporty variant of the two door compact, which starts at 51,500 euros, 84% more than the base model, by creating a series of videos on Google Inc.’s You Tube.These 5 videos, encouraged blog comment, which triggered success by gaining a total of 3.1 million views, with more than 20,000 people providing contact details as a consequence of this.

bmw picss

BMW’s head of social media confessed that “This was one of the best returns on investment in media and marketing that we’ve had so far” Database shows that potential buyers created by this campaign lead to an increase in the production run to 4,200 vehicles from 2,500 in one single year 2011. This achievement drove other brands like Nissan to adopt the internet based strategy.

What do u think usage does social media prove to be effective platform for marketing when compared to the traditional media?

What other advantages does social media offer?

Do you think One Plus can make a long lasting impact through its unique marketing strategy?

We welcome your comments.


CHITTY, W., LUCK, E., BARKER, N., VALOS, M. & SHIMP, T. A. 2014. Integrated marketing communications, South Melbourne, Vic. Cengage Learning, 2014.4th edition.

IACOBUCCI, D. 2013. MM4, Mason, Ohio South-Western, [2013?]Student edition.